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Colton Dixon—

Annie sat down next to me on the awful blue leather sofa. She smiled softly at me and rested her hand on my shoulder. I bit my lip and sighed; no child should have to go through what Hayden is going through.

"Sometimes I wonder what God has planned for others?" I sighed, "I wonder what Hayden has fulfilled that her time here on earth is done."

Annie smiled sadly, leaning up and gently pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Maybe because she's apart of something bigger. Maybe she's apart of your story, or Joanna's, maybe Joel and Luke's." She stated, "There's something that's always larger, babe."

I nodded, looking over to Hayden. She was sleeping, not peacefully though. Hayden looked stiff, unable to move due to the IVs and needles that poked her skin, and possibly due to the pain from her bones.

I had asked Rita earlier for a simply run down of the cancer Hayden had. My heart broke for her, and her family. They didn't deserve this.

That's why I was here alone with Annie; Joel, Dallas and Joanna had gone to see a friend who was a pastor. They were hoping to set a meeting for Hayden's family about God and his plans. We all hoped for that. I mean, we went through the same thing when we lost Annie's brother.

And I wanted them to realize that Hayden would be in a better place.

I glanced at Hayden once more, before looking down to my hands. Annie sighed softly, gently laying her hands on top of mine.

"Lord, I know that You have a plan for us, and that you won't forsake us. I trust your plan wholeheartedly, and I will remember that always. I understand that you have a plan for Hayden, but please don't make her suffer for long. Remind her family that she will no longer be in pain. Let people see the positivity and hope Hayden had. Let her be a beacon of hope for children like her. Use me to help others like her, use Joel or Luke, or Annie, or Dallas or even Joanna. We all trust you, and give our lives upon you. Use us to further your love and the hope you give us— for Hayden. In your name, amen."

Annie sniffled, "Amen."

I bit my lip and sighed. I leaned over, gently kissing her forehead as she wiped away a couple of tears.

"I love you." I whispered.


Joanna gently held Hayden's hand, as she was delivered some news about an hour ago. All of us were here in place of her family, who were still at work/school.

A doctor had came in and told Hayden that the recent test had showed her cancer was progressing faster than ever. Those two months she had, turned into merely two weeks.

"Why is this happening?" Hayden sniffled. Joanna frowned, gently squeezing Hayden's hand.

"I don't know, love." Joanna whispered, "But I do know that it'll be okay. That I can promise you."

Hayden looked up to Joanna, another tear rolling down her cheek. She frowned and sniffled— my heart broke even more her.

"There are days where I've taken more than I give, and there are choices that I wouldn't make again. I've had my share of laughter, of tears and troubled times. This has been the story of my life," I sang quietly.

Hayden smiled sadly, looking me. I reached my hand out, letting her take it. I smiled softly, nodding.

Joel caught on and continued, "I have won and I have lost. I got it right sometimes, but sometimes I did not. Life's been a journey. I've seen joy and I've seen regret. Oh, and you have been my God through all of it."

Hayden laughed slightly, shaking her head and looking down. Joanna grinned as Hayden began to sing, but it was an entirely different song— Limitless.

"Too young, too old. Too shy, too bold. Too average to make a difference. The worlds too big and you're too small. If you try to fly, you're gonna fall. They're shouting, but we won't listen. We're Limitless."

Annie began applauding, causing Hayden to blush. Then Courtney and the boys joined in— who weren't paying attention previously. It wasn't even a second later that Dallas, Joel and Luke joined in.

"That was beautiful," Joanna smiled.

"I'm not too young, and I'm not too old. I'm not too shy, and I'm not too bold." Hayden whispered, smiling at me.

"You're not too small for this big world. You're limitless, Hay." I grinned, gently squeezing her hand.

"You're going to be okay, darling." Joel reassured, "Everything will be alright, because God carries you on his shoulders. You have to light it up and let it go."

Hayden looked to me and Joanna, constantly looking between us. Joanna smiled slightly at her, and when Hayden glanced at me, I nodded.

Hayden sighed, letting out a breath. Joanna quickly wiped away a tear, and gently kissed Hayden's forehead.

"Get some sleep, princess. We'll be here, don't worry." Joanna stated quietly.

Hayden nodded, "Thank you."

"Of course, kid." I smiled.


Okay. I'm actually crying, no joke. Anyway, little announcement and question, I guess.

This book only has two or three more chapters max, that means For Our King is almost finished too, but For Our King will include an epilogue. Anyway, as I wrap these two up and another book soon, who wants another Colton story?

I want to write one, but I don't have any ideas. I want too desperately. So, if anyone has ideas that they want to share or want me to write— either comment or you can pm me. Either works.

Okay. I'm done now. Vote and comment, those are so greatly appreciated.


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