[Fluff/Angst] Camera Clicks ~ Bad Touch Trio X Reader

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Notes: Human and High school Au. This is friendships with the BTT by the way.

(BTT = Spain, France and Prussia)

[Warning: Hints of mental and emotional abuse, swearing, bullying and talk of suicide and self harm.]

(Y/n)'s POV
My camera bag swung slightly from my side as I walked down the school corridor while music played through my headphones. I hummed as I entered the ICT room and sat down at my usual computer. After setting my camera bag on the table, swinging my school bag under it and logging into the computer, I proceeded to go about my daily routine. Once my camera was out of its bag, I took the SD card out of it and into the computer. Once the SD card had fully loaded all of my pictures, I inserted my USB stick into the computer and quickly had a look at my pictures and the ones I wanted to keep. Once choosing the ones I liked, I transferred them to the USB stick and then deleted the ones I didn't like. I then took the SD card and USB stick out and put them back, Camera for the SD card and the bag for my USB stick. My usual routine finally done for the day. I checked the time. Lunch was almost finished. Ah. It was time for my last class before I had a free period for the rest of the day. I packed up and logged out of the computer before getting up and leaving for my class.

That's what it was. I have one free period before two mandatory classes in the morning, a break, two free periods before lunch before my last mandatory class and then free period. That's my schedule for every week. Why did I have so many free periods?

Because this school has done nothing but torture me and this was how I even went to school.

I sighed as I sat down at my desk while waiting for the teacher. I could hear the usual whispers and gossip about me. I could feel the judging looks and glares I got off my fellow classmates. I flinched as someone threw a ball of paper at my head and snickers rang from the group responsible.

I hated school. Why? Because it made me hate my life. It made me hate living.

Time Skip
I hummed as I walked back into school after grabbing my lunch from the shop. I yelped loudly when I felt someone poke my side roughly. "Kesesese! Works every time!" Exclaimed Gilbert behind me who soon threw his arm over my shoulders. I groaned. "Gilbert! Will you quit doing that! My sides are already sore enough from you poking them!" I Scolded. He snickered. "Ah! You've made her mad now!" Exclaimed Antonio beside us. "Don't be mad Señorita!" I huffed. "I'm not mad Toni. And stop calling me that! We're the same age!" I exclaimed. "Okay!" I sighed. I barely flinched when I felt an arm around my waist. "What's gotten you so worn out Mon cher?" Asked Francis. I grumbled. "What do you think numbskull. And don't call me that!" I said. "Seriously! What's with you guys and these pet names! Stop!" Francis chuckled. "We'll call you whatever me want Kleiner Hase!" Exclaimed Gilbert. "If I didn't have my lunch in my hands and my camera bag over my neck, I'd kick your ass." I hissed. Gilbert chuckled. We walked to a lunch table outside and sat down to have our lunch.

These three doofuses were my friends. They had moved to this school with a lot of other of their friends in some sort of student exchange thing. They'd be finishing school here and then going to whatever college or University they'd go to.

I was actually surprised the first time we had hung out. The three had bumped into me on their first day while I had been taking pictures and asked me how to get to their registration class. Well Antonio and Francis did. They had been dragging Gilbert who wanted to skive the first day. Honestly I didn't blame him. If it wasn't for the 6 months I had been gone from school because of... stuff, I'd have skived too if it hadn't meant a lot on my attendance record. So I showed them the way and left. They soon looked for me in between classes until they'd finally found me in one of their classes and soon followed me around like lost puppies until I finally agreed to hang out with them.

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