Chapter 7

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(Ok. Slime. Where am I going to go with this. I just make this up as I go along. By the way, thanks for all the reads! I'm glad people actually like this story so far.)

Green snot dribbled down my shirt and fell with a splat onto the floor. "Ugh!" What the heck? What is happening?!

I jerk behind be. Nothing.

"Kate." Alex and Maya say at the same time.

I glance at them. Maya places a twig-like finger below her nose, meaning I should be silent. She slowly raises her head to look at the ceiling, her hair crackling like dried leaves. I too lift my chin to see what monster clung to the ceiling.

A bright green glob of a gooey substance is plastered on top of fluorescent lights, giving it a glowing appearance. Two lidless eyeballs hung loosely like snail's eyes. The near three foot wide mass of gel squelched as its 'body' squirmed continuously. A bit of goo dangled at its right side, preparing to fall like a raindrop.

I moved closer to Maya to avoid the raincloud of living snot.

Alex, who seemed to be having the same thought returned inside the school to get a better look."So if I said I was going to beat the living snot outa you, would that come out of your nose?"

"Ok, Alex, Eznough." Maya screwed up her face, clearly disgusted.

I was going to leave the conversation at that but I had another idea that had to be shared. "But that would mean that everyone would have a snot monster inside of themselves."

Maya hugged her torso. "Younglings! Stop."

The large pupils from the monsters eyes flicked back and forth as different people spoke.

"That thing is really creeping me out," I said.

Maya turned her dark brown face towards us. "Thiz iz serious. Thez 'snot monzter', az you call it, iz really a yallaforcipocus."

"A Yellow porkie-" Alex started.

"Yallaforcipocus. Iz a magical creature thaz iz suppozed to be invisible."

"Well it's obviously very visible." I wiped the slime off my shoulder.

"How do we kill it?" Alex said suddenly.

Maya scowled, flicking out her knife and pointing it at his chest. "We doz not kill it. yallforcipocus only appear when items from zeir homeland are taken."

Alex raised his hands in surrender and Maya concealed her knife.

"The pendant?" I asked.

Maya shook her head. "Impossible. Thez pendant iz made of silver and ruby- zeez creatures cannot mine."

"What if they took it?" Asked Alex.

"Stupid warlock. Zey have no hands."

"Hey! Auntie Maya, that wasn't very nice!"

"Zon't ever call me auntie Maya or I will throw my knife at zou!"

"So it can't slurp up things?"Alex responded.

Silence. ( save for squelching)

Maya ignored Alex. "Zis can only mean that thez creature that attacked you's master iz stealing magical objects. We must find out why-after we put thez pendant in a safe place."

"Why is the pendant so important anyway?" I ask.

Alex answers. "The 'master' or whatever it is- wants it. I know it's a powerful magical object, but I was separated from Merlin before he could tell me what it does. All I know is that if it falls into the wrong hands everyone will be in grave danger."

Maya sighs. "I guess you're wiz us now, Kate. We are recently becoming quite bad at keeping secrets. You zeem to be doing quite well taking thiz."

And for no reason at all, Maya grabbed Alex's legs and through him back outside. "And zay out!"

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