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"Ugh, you're such a barbarian. Are you trying to rip this marvelous character design to shreds woman? My Pink Dark Boy can absolutely not wear something this crude. No, the boots don't go at all with the-"

You tuned Rohan's voice out at that point as you were way too used to his lectures. You didn't even have to listen through it all, you knew exactly what he disliked about your work, what he disliked about you. Though, you had to admit, it was already a little better than in the very beginning when you had first become his assistant. He had hated you before you even shook hands, casting you angry glances across the lush lawn surrounding his beautiful property. Of course he hated you! How dare his editor give him, the great Kishibe-Sensei, a lowly assistant?! And a female one at that! They should know that he wasn't fit to handle women – or just people in general. Besides, he could work perfectly fine on his own. It wasn't his fault that the clothing choice of his characters took him so long that he delayed his release dates time after time, no, the fashion industry was certainly at fault for not producing anything that was good enough to ignite his inspiration. Rohan had to admit (even if only in his own mind) that he was very extra in that aspect, he knew of many manga-ka that went with one fixed set of outfits for each character so they wouldn't need to bother much with clothing, but he wasn't many manga-ka, he was the Rohan Kishibe. He was this extra and he took pride in it. So, instead of giving you a polite smile like he was told to do by Koichi as well as his editor in person he had just glared at you, towering over your slender frame as you had made your way to the door to greet him.

"Good morning Kishibe-Sensei! I am utmost glad to finally meet you in person, my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I-"

Flashback end


"Hm?" you hummed provocatively as Rohan almost had to yell at you to lift you out of your spontaneous trance and immediately cracked a smile over his adorably flushed face, reddened in annoyance. He had been very busy these last days, worried that he would again not be able to finish his work until the deadline this week. Six months ago when you started working for him you had always found yourself scared of his cold, rude demeanor and his sudden emotional outbursts whenever he was annoyed by something – particularly you. By now though, you were vaguely aware of the kind personality hiding behind this ice cold shell of his and at some point you had discovered it was impossible for you to get scared of him anymore. You even had grown to like what you saw behind all his facades. Rohan knew this and you knew he knew but you weren't quite sure what he was making of it. Right now he was groaning in distress.

"God, (Y/N), do you want me to ask the publisher for a new assistant? I need you to listen to me when I want something changed." His tone of voice softened as he spoke out the last words and he cast you a gaze you couldn't quite put in a category. You decided to think about it later, now you really had to stop phasing out and get to work.

You snickered in response to his threat.

"You know damn well yourself you wouldn't do that. Besides, even if you did they probably wouldn't give you a new one, so it looks like you're stuck with me doesn't it?" The look in his eyes changed from undecipherable to "stop fucking with me and get to work before I forget myself". You laughed, snatching the folder filled with manga drafts from his hand and swiftly left his working office, though not before ruffling through his perfect silky brush of hair casually – and then running for your fucking life as he chased behind you out of the office.

As you reached your own little office downstairs (and locked the door behind you) you could hear an angry huff through the wooden door, then Rohan stomping up the stairway whilst growling furiously.

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