Chapter 5

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Before James left he turned back.

"I will see you at the movies tonight." He smiled.

"Oh um ok see you." I kind of just went along with this.

I went home and jumped on the couch thinking i may not be single anymore. I loved James. How is Riley going to react to this? 

I get my phone and text James I see his first message and smile.

J: See you later babe xxx 

Me: Love you! xx

J: Love you more!

Me: How are you going to tell Riley about us?

J: Don't worry about it, I will deal with it. 

Me: Ok bye see you later x 

J: Bye xx

3 hours later

I choose my best outfit to wear tonight. I choose a crimson singletish formal top with skinny jeans and black boots. I also put on a choker.

My phone lights up. James said he will be picking me up in 5 minutes.

Beep Beep!! I hear the beep of James's car. I smile, I walk out and wave at James. I step into the car.

"Hey James!" I said.

"Hey, and I have to say you look amazing." James said.

"Aww thanks, you look amazing too." 

James drove off and we headed for the movies. I was really excited just to spend the night with James.


'Yes Michi?" He asked.

"Is this a date?" I asked.

"Yep, just you and me." He says gently.

I smile. 

"When are you going to tell Riley?" I say.

"Michelle, don't worry! Just relax." He smiled.

We arrived at the movies and entered the theatre.

"What movie should we watch?" I asked.

"The Hunger Games." We say in chorus. We laughed.

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