10 things you gotta love about your (male) crush

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♢the rare moments when they tackle their male best friend and give him a big giant bear hug

♧when they look at you, laugh and then look down grinning while biting their lips

♡when they get frustrated over the stupidest things

♤when they're overprotective about anything: siblings, friends or even you

♢when found in a tough situation, being able to handle everything completely and never showing a glimmer of panic or desperation, and even going so far as to tell you "don't worry about it," because they have it under control

♧when they are effortlessly good with kids, and kids feel really comfortable around them in a way they usually don't with grown-ups. (This goes double for little girls in floofy dresses. Grown men who are able to have a tea party with a little tiny girl and get totally into it without worrying about looking "girly" are essentially kryptonite for the ovaries.)

♡laughing really hard at things with you, the kind where you basically start crying/get a tummy ache because you're so completely un-self-conscious.

♤when they touch you almost unconsciously, to either reassure you or to get your attention, and are both firm and soft in their manner at the same time, giving you the "I respect you immensely, but yet know what I want" feeling.

♢furrowing their eyebrows

♧saying 'please' and 'thank you'

Source(s): thoughtcatalog.com, puckermob.com, and me

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