How to tell if someone likes you (zodiac signs)

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(March 21st to April 19th)

An Aries will try to touch you a lot if they like you, so expect a lot of hugs. As a naturally competitive person, you will be challenged by an Aries. If they like you they will want you to prove yourself by playing one of their games, so accept the challenge and stand your ground. If an Aries gets upset or jealous when they see you flirting with someone else, you can be sure that they are interested in you. An Aries will often think about you, and will therefore ask you questions about your day; they will want to know what is going on in your general life. This is their way of keeping up with you, and showing an interest in you. However, the great thing about an Aries is that they will often just tell you that they are fond of you - they tend to be quite straightforward.


(April 20th to May 21st)

When a Taurus likes you, they will ask you for your thoughts on a lot of things, and they will engage you in stimulating conversation. They are a nurturer, so if you see them getting protective over you, it is a good sign that they are fond of you and want to keep you safe. They appreciate your small quirky details, and will notice things that others don't about you. When a Taurus makes fun of you, know that it is good natured, and it is their playful way of showing interest. A Taurus will always compliment the apple of their eye, and can be extremely sweet when they admire someone. It is unfortunate, because they often fear that their sensitivity will lead them to be rejected or hurt. If you notice a Taurus doing any of the above, nurture them back. Make them understand that you too are interested, because they can discourage themselves and end up guarding their advances.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

If a Gemini likes you, they will not stop talking to you. They will ask questions, make conversation, and keep the momentum going. It is often said that a Gemini tells you that they like you with their eyes - they will be absorbed by you, and will stare deeply at you. Though they will try to play it cool, if a Gemini is paying more attention to you than others, you can be sure that they like you. The usually don't waste time with people who do not intrigue them. They will be touchy, and will often whisk you off of your feet when you least expect it. However, you must be wary of the Gemini. They are known players, often leading people on for the fun and adventure of it all.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

A Cancer is very shy and very sweet when they like someone. Though they may not show it, you can always tell if a Cancer likes you by observing how their friends act around you. A Cancer will tell everyone they are close to about the apple of their eye, and their loyal friends will help to get you two together. If you catch a Cancer looking at you, they are probably contemplating how to approach you and how to interact with you, as everything about them is coy and cautious. Be open to them if you feel like getting to know them as well, for this cautiousness comes from a deeply insecure fear of rejection.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

In all honesty, a Leo will most likely just tell you that they are fond of you. Everyone will know that a Leo likes you because they do not back down from those they are interested in, and will declare their affection. They will play games and they will also get very touchy, so if a Leo keeps grabbing you, ticking you, or smiling at you from across the room - they are definitely fond of you. If a Leo really likes you, they will pay more attention to you with their eye contact, and they won't break it. They will also talk to you differently than others, using a sweeter, smoother tone. They will always try to impress you - be sure not to see this as arrogance, because it is simply just nervous flirting.

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