The Beginning

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Authors Note: Hey guys! Sorry for the wait! I originally meant to post the first chapter two and a half weeks ago but I didn't have the courage. But I hope this chapter makes up for it all. Feel free to leave comments! Thank you very much for your patience! Enjoy!

(Ralof's POV)

The sky overhead was still dark when our group set out to the border that separated Cyrodiil and Skyrim. We had set up camp a few miles away from Helgen, more into the mountains where it'd be safe. Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak is in our presence, so we tread cautiously, careful that we don't run into any Imperial Dogs. The last thing we need is getting ambushed on our way to the Imperial City where Ulfric intends to speak with the Emperor. Our parties were weary from the 3 day walking, stopping only to take breaks that included more mead than intended. We had to keep our head in the game, and those who drank got it immediately slapped from their hands.

          Darkness, we had to walk mercilessly through the night without any stopping. We were too close to the border to stop now, and Ulfric has no patience. I honestly don't blame him. As we walked along the mountains, we heard something... as if we were being followed. Ulfric studied the landscape before saying,

"Keep your guard up!" Then went back to leading the group through the warm night.

       Both parties kept their guard up most of the way, until an arrow met my kinsmen's neck, right beside me. His body fell, blood spurting from the wound. The man's sister, Vanica, screamed and was soon followed by distant shouting. My heart was pounding in my ears and my instincts kicked in, we all started running now. As we ran bodies began falling from either side, making our groups smaller. We simply couldn't afford to lose any men right in this moment. All was to be heard behind us was the battle cries of the Imperial Legion. They used magicka against us, but we weren't going down without a fight. I stopped dead in my tracks, pulled out my sword and swung it behind me; it was met with an Imperial's gut. The woman dropped down and made gurgling sounds.

  "Aha! I love a challenge!"

     I then began slicing away, like I had done just days before. They had been following us and they needed to pay for what they had done to my fellow comrades. Soldier after soldier fell to my blade, thinning out the group. Wasn't long before more of my companions started joining, with pride. They yelled curses, and insults as we fought as best we could.

   Ulfric, who was on horseback began charging at the Imperial dogs, his sword drawn, and his war cries filled the air surrounding the scene.

      Our group got small, and we were down to only 8 men, whilst the Legion kept on coming.

"This can't be! We're outnumbered!" I screamed to my left,  catching my companions attention. They too soon realized that we can't fight, being outnumbered. Even Ulfric seemed to realize. He stopped, got off his horse and got on his knees, putting his hands up in surrender. Anger boiled within my body, 'How can this be?' I asked myself quietly, but one from my party heard; all he could do was look down in shame. We've been captured. Soon we were surrounded by a swarm of Imperials. There was one who walked through the crowd, who caught my attention. He wore a silver Imperial helmet, Skyrim's crest molded into the iron of the helm itself. I knew who this man was, it was General Tullius. He took his helm off and smiled a smile the daedra themselves would be proud of.

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