The Plan (Part 1)

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"You better give her back Vargas! Or I will curse you and everyone you hold dear!" Arthur yells through the phone.

"Calm down. I have the same problem." I explain the events to the Brit.

"I see the only thing different about our situations is that Amelia was kidnapped by the Asians. I bet Francis has something to-" Arthur continues, but I stop listening. An idea suddenly pops up in my head.

"Arthur," I say, "We are both missing our loved ones-"

"Loved ones? What are you saying, wanker?"

"-so, I think we should team up together," I finish. I could almost hear the wheels turning in Arthur's head as he thought about my proposal.

"Alright," he grumbles, obviously not happy about my plan, "I'm doing this for Amelia, not you,"

"Figured. Meet me at Diena Café. We will plan there," I give him directions to the Lithuanian tea house.

Help them hang on, I silently pray, help them hang on just a few more minutes.

I walk up to the front door of the small tea house. Arthur isn't around, that I can tell at least. I walk in and casually order a cappuccino. Feli's favourite drink, I say in my head. As I sit down at a small table in the corner, Kirkland comes in and sits in front of me without saying a word. The retard must have thought of a plan because he slid a large envelope towards me.
I pick it up and walk out. I will text him later to give him the go or not.

Knowing the situation, I probably will.

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