Chapter Two

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I drop my plate into the large sink at the head of the room. After I walk with Vivian and Zania to our room down the second hall. I look up to see Declan, Kwan and Levi standing in front of the door opposite us.

"Hey girlies!" Declan smirks. That is the cringiest thing anyone could have said. Annoyance bubbles up inside me. Zania rolls her eyes and steps into the room, Vivian follows her. 

"Why leaving so soon?" Declan laughs. I growl, my fist collides with his jaw. Pain rushes through my arm.

"Maybe because we have to put up with you for the rest of the bloody year." I wince in pain from the punch i threw, I tried to sound strong, it came out as a whisper. Declan rubs his jaw as I step into the room and slam the door in his face. 

"Nice punch." Zania giggles holding out a small ice pack.

"Thanks." I smile and take the ice pack, holding it to my now bruised fist. "That felt good." 

"I should've punched him, why didn't you let me punch him first." Vivian groans.

"No one was stopping you Vi." Zania grins.

"Well sorry if I did notice that we were being videoed the whole time!" She grins back, and turns to the tv. "Anyone want to watch the really annoying guys embarrass themselves on television?"

My hand and Zania's hand shoot up, instantly I regret the choice to throw my arm in the air. "Me." I whisper instead. Vivian laughs and grabs the remote. She types the number of our group and the screen turns on. Instead of what we hoped, the screen is split. One half has us, staring into the screen. Vivian and Zania wave at the viewers on the other side of the screen. I smile and turn to the other side of the screen. 

"Turn the volume up!" I shout and lean forward to grab the remote, falling face first on the floor instead.  Zania laughs and pats my head as Viv turns the volume up. 

"What do you think the girls are doing?" Kwan asks Levi and Declan.

"Probably girly stuff, playing dress ups and doing their make up." Declan smirks. 

"Why do you think that you small minded idiot?" Levi shakes his head. 

"They're girls! What else can they do?" Declan protests. I growl and reach for the remote. I press the off button and stare at the screen. 

"That sexist bastard! 'What else can they do!'" I mimic. "We can kick his bloody arse and then watch him die in a pool of his own blood!" I laugh. Viv joins in the laughing, adding her own thoughts into the conversation. 

"Maybe thats a little harsh?" Zania frowns. We turn to look at her and raise our eyebrows in sync, making her jump. 


I yawn and sit up in the plain bed, one that I would have for the next few days. The small door is opened and Cedric steps in. Zania screams. 

"Get out you bastard!" She shrieks, pulling the blanket over her thin singlet. 

 Cedric rolls his eyes. "Training starts in half an hour." He says, I jump up and push him out of the small apartment. Locking the door after him. 

"What happened?" Viv asks, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"Didn't you see?" I ask her instead of answering.

"No, I was resting." She yawns again. 

"You didn't sleep?" I raise an eyebrow looking at her tired eyes.

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