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At first i was taken a back by his words.
Zane ro'meave destroyer of (well everything at this point) wants to destroy everything of mine hold me captive, and then he's going to tell me he's going to help me.

Wow, are all the words that come out of my mouth.
You've got 5 minutes to get ready, one of the guards say.
Crap. I take a bite of bread and take a swig of water to have something on my stomach. (Did I forget to mention the water earlier)

He didn't really give me anything to change in to. So I'm guessing to just stay in what I have on now. (Your own outfit)

I walk out of the cell and meet a bright light from a window. It's hard to see but I heard one of the guards say "follow me".
Once I could actually see. I saw him walking away and then say "follow me" once again.
So I quickly ketchup.
(Hah you thought it was a typo but then you see this and you realize it was a clever pun that the author slipped in there🍅.

I quietly but quickly follow the guard until we reach a door. Go right ahead , he says.
I do what I'm told and open the door to meet a forest looking kind of area.

I look to my right and see Zane kinda looking in the distance.

I sneak up behind him and tap his shoulder.
Ummm hello, he looks startled ,but puts back on a serious face.
Why hello princess, I growl in response.

Why am I here?

To fight that demon of course?

What do you mean fight it?

Well right now you can't control your demon side right?
Yeah, I say in response

Well that means that your losing a war with your demon, and your own mind is the battlefield and your body is the prize.
Soooo, I say a little confused.

Sooo if you loose this war you'll loose the prize forever.
Wait I dont get it I've never had a problem with controlling it before.

Y/N, powers grow stronger and when you think that you've might of just started controlling gets worse.

Fine me.

I was going too, no matter if your answer was yes or no.

I know..but if I'm going to let you help me and not go running in the forest right now, you have to promise me something.

And what would that mean princess?,he says while smirking.

Don't tell me all that mumbo-jumbo it sounds like I'm going insane.

That's it, I hear him quietly say.

What's it?

You don't like the nickname I have for you now do you?

It makes me want to growl just thinking about it, i say while having a disgusted face on.

What if I just called you insane.

How about you just call me by my real name, you know Y/N, ring a bell.

Nope it's insane for now on.

I exhale in defeat.

Great now let's get started.


Yes, he says while turning around.

How do you know so much about I know you know that I'm half demon and I can't control it, but it seems you know a lot more than you say you do.

So your half demon aye, thought you were just using a spell to look human.

WHAT!!, while I have the most shocked face you can imagine. ( kinda like this 😲) ( sorry had too)

I'm just pulling your leg, it's not hard to tell, even if I know you.

So you know me huh?

Well why would you think that I would have wasted my time destroyimg a small village like yours?

I don't know cause you needed some fearful screams with your breakfast

NO you IDIOT, he says kinda raising his voice, IT WAS TO FIND YOU.


welp the Secret is out, zane needs Y/N for something.
Thanks for reading
Sorry for not updating.
Please tell me if your enjoying this Fanfiction and give your advice on your new nickname.

💙THE DEMON WITHIN💙Zane x Reader McdWhere stories live. Discover now