Chapter 2

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Hello! In honor of someone hacking my account, I am going to be having a hacker on here peeps! Btw I am not the hacker. I got everything straightened out and now s'all good. Here's the story!

Annabeth Chase has changed her status from In a Relationship to Single

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Percy Jackson: WTD ANNABETH?!?

Leo Valdez: o.O

Thalia Grace: Annie have u thought this through?

Athena: Yes you finally dumped that no good kelp head!

Poseidon: Are you calling my son a kelp brain?

Athena: Ya I am!

Annabeth Chase: What in Hades is going on?

Percy Jackson: Apparently you're dumping me over Facebook.

Annabeth Chase: What are you talking about?!?

Nico DiAngelo: Guys she was hacked!

Piper McLean: There's no way she would've said that!

Annabeth Chase: I'm not dumping you Perce. I was hacked.

Percy Jackson: Thank the gods.

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