Chapter 7: An Immediate Plan

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[Third Person's PoV]

A loud crash was heard from the other side of the phone, making Endou startled.

"What happened?!" Endou exclaimed. Aki was panting like crazy on the other side.

"E-Endou-kun... We need you here!" Aki shouted in panic.

"What's going―" Endou was cut by another loud crash. The call was also cut. Possibly, Aki hanged up.

Endou has his eyes widened. His heart beating so fast like a madman's. He doesn't know what was happening and he is sure that it's not good. The four looked at him in worry.

"Endou, what happened??" Hiroto asked him, worriedly.

"...I don't know. But we have to go back there." Endou said nonchalantly.

"What?! There's still a pack of zombies outside!" Fubuki quickly denied.

"I don't care. They need our help!" Endou suddenly blurted out, making Kidou click his tongue.

"We don't have a choice. We have to go back." Kidou said calmly but deep inside, he is fuming with anger.

Gouenji sighed at this sudden decision. He stood up and grabbed a pot near the counter of the shop. He went to the door to unbarricade it.

"Gouenji?" Endou called out to him but Gouenji didn't even bother to look at him. He continued to unbarricade that door.

"Are you insane, Gouenji?!" Fubuki exclaimed, panic rushing inside him. Gouenji kept silent. He opened the door slightly to peek outside.

"There's still many of them..." Gouenji thought in his mind. He looked at the pot and decided to use it as bait. He threw it to the far side to distract the cranks by the sudden noise. Fortunately, it worked. The cranks started to walk towards the noise making their path more clear.

"Let's go!" Gouenji said in a whisper tone. The four stood up as Gouenji opened the door widely for them.

They started to run, quietly as possible. True, those cranks can also see but the darkness of the night is helping them a lot to be stealthy. They all have their guard up, expecting more cranks to lunge at them.

A few minutes of running and endless panting, no crank came to them. They started to wonder again. How could this be possible? Do these cranks choose the time of their hunger for flesh? They just don't get it. But let's leave it for now. What's important is the ruckus that is happening to their dorm. As they were nearing their dorm, a foggy sight greeted them. They can't see a thing.

"Too foggy..." Fubuki commented.

"Let's all stick together. We don't know what'll happen next." Kidou commanded and they quickly followed.

They walked through the foggy road. All sweating and panting. Their grip on their weapons are tight due to the nervousness they're feeling. Not long after, they reached their dorm. And they couldn't believe what their eyes just saw.

Their whole dorm is packed with cranks.

A lot of them already entered their dorm. The five have their eyes widened.

"God..." Endou mumbled, too surprised at the sight.

"What the hell happ―" Hiroto was cut off by the screams of the girls.

"Aki!!" Endou exclaimed.

The five made a run for it inside, smashing and hitting the cranks off of their sights, determined to save the girls and probably some of their teammates.

They ran so fast that their footsteps are heard, even by the cranks, but they couldn't care less. As they were nearing the scene of the crime, more of those cranks are banging the door, hitting it with a loud Thud!. When the cranks saw them, they quickly lunged at them, like a predator who's been hungry for weeks. Despite the fast movements of the cranks, the five's reflexes are way beyond the cranks' speed. They smashed the cranks with all their might, not minding if the blood was plastered on their clothes and faces. Kidou finished it with a last blow on the head with the last crank. Endou quickly kicked the door down, seeing three terrified girls with some of their teammates with Domon, Dylan, and Mark, in front of the girls, ready to protect them in case something happened.

The ruckus made an attraction. Like a famous tourist spot wherein people are crowding. However, in this case, cranks are crowding in this so-called tourist spot, which was their dorm. Upon hearing the cranks' hoarse moans, he led the group out of their dorm, safely; escaping through the back entrance and hiding behind the bushes. Gouenji looked at their poor managers, all trembling in fear. In some cases, people who saw a horrendous murder or a dreadful sight that they've been so terrified, by now, their sanity is gone. But here, in the story of this team, they're all trying hard not to be insane. 'Cause being insane is the last thing they wanted to do.

A few minutes of waiting and watching, and waiting and guarding, they decided to leave the vicinity. To a place where they can be safe under this circumstances. Like all the situations you've witnessed in this story, the other representatives final route was shops, wherein food supplies are given. As for Endou and the others, that also seem to be their final option. They quickly searched for a nearby grocery store. And shortly after, they found one. As they all entered, a dark and misty atmosphere welcomed them, wrapping their bodies and giving chills inside. They took a few steps further, going deep inside the shop. As the eeriness of the shop bothered them, they heard faint slow footsteps coming towards them. Being in front, Hiroto gripped his weapon and readied, just in case if it was a crank. The footsteps became more audible as fear crept to their spines. Eventually, a light was shone directly on their faces making them squint and cover their eyes.

"Endou! It's you!" A familiar voice cried. Endou looked at the direction of the voice and saw a faint figure of Teres. The figure walked faster towards them- And it was Teres.

"It's you guys! I'm so glad to see you here!" He added. Fudou clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Yeah, glad to see some stupid cranks chewing each and one of us if you keep that noisy mouth of yours talking." Fudou scoffed and leaned against the wall. With a shook of the head, Endou came closer to Teres.

"It's nice to see you too," he placed a hand on his shoulder. "Where are your teammates?" Endou added. By hearing that, Teres frowned and shook his head, remembering what he did and regretting all of it. The group knew what it meant and just kept silent. They all rested inside the shop, calming theirselves down before facing another unfortunate event.

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