Clay and Dr. Scott

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"Hannah Baker was one of the most amazing people I've ever met. She was beautiful, astounding, absolutely hilarious, and she had the biggest heart anyone could ever have.
I really don't understand why everyone made fun of her. Probably because she was 'easy'. God that shit pissed me off.
I loved her so much.
Noticed how I used past tense on that. That's because she's dead."
"Wow Clay sounds like you've got a little on your mind."
"A little? You have no idea." Clay sat back in the old back chair that moaned when he did so.
It reminded him of the time the chair legs broke off one of the seats at the Crestmont.
"God Helmet you're such a.....helmet." Hannah laughed. "No I'm not I am just very careful about my life." Clay replied with a smirk. "Yeah but.." she smirked "Nevermind." Clay turned to her quickly. "What?" Hannah giggled. "Tell me." They both laughed as Clay started chasing her around the lobby and he fell into a table. Hannah turned to him. "Bet you wish you had your helmet now huh, helmet?"
Her laugh faded out of his mind. "Clay? Hello? Are you alright?" he heard Dr. Scott ask.
"I'm fine I don't even want to be here there's nothing you can do and there's nothing I can do so fuck it." Clay said on the verge of tears.
Dr. Scott nodded slowly and said "Ok. You don't have to talk if you don't want to it's completely up to you Clay. I can't make you say how you feel."
They sat in silence the only sound was the ticking of the clock. Tick tock tick tock tick tock.
Tick tock tick tock was all Clay heard as he waited for the bell to ring to he could put the bunny he drew in Hannahs bag as he did everyday. She doesn't know who they're from , She loved them though. The bell rang and he quickly slid it in her brown bag hanging by the window. But unlike usual she didn't check her bag today. Instead she turned away and stormed off.
"Its just not fair!!" Clay yelled as he slammed his fists on the desk "It's not fucking fair that she killed herself and those rotten bastards who ruined her life get to live a fulfilling life. Including me. I don't deserve life I don't deserve to live and I don't deserve Hannah Baker." said Clay Jenson.
Hope you guys like this I will continue this if I get some reviews of it. Its basically gonna be about after Hannah killed herself and a long twisted version of it. So let me know what u think and I'll write more if you like.

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