A long time ago in a Trashcan far, far away... AKA Introduction

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Hellow my fellow Jassian Trashian members!

This collection of seven OneShots is based on a cute project called RebelCaptain Appreciation Week which I stumbled across on tumblr. Some of you might already know about it, but if you don't, here are some details, because the trashcan needs you: ( jynxcassian maybe you could inform The Club 😇)

The whole thing takes place from April 10th to April 16th (Easter Holidays for me^^) and the goal is to create as much RebelCaptain related ...stuff... as possible. Basically everyone can participate and in order to make your work easier to find, make sure to use #rebelcaptainweek (AN/ I think this is supposed to work on tumblr and AO3...)

And here are the plans:

Day One: Favorite Scene(s) || Writing Prompt: Family

Day Two: Song Day || Writing Prompt: Comfort

Day Three: Tropes || Writing Prompt: Undercover

Day Four: AU of your choice || Writing Prompt: Nerve

Day Five: Quote Day || Writing Prompt: Home

Day Six: Diego Luna and Felicity Jones Appreciation || Writing Prompt: Hope

Day Seven: Free day || Bonus prompt: Future

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