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I have just realized that most of my internet friends already quited or not that active or inactive some of my sensei s deleted there ARTBOOKS and some are didnt really update there books what has the world of wattpad become. and my classmates are usually on on social medias like those stuff I had less interest in drawing I came to watercolor and I luv it but I don't know what would I do next to this account I just love how ppl in my old books comment like they compliment how much talent I have makes me so happy since ppl around that I've known a lil bit are already quitting I don't what else I've been super lazy these days and maybe when I go to grade 6th I don't know I just I don't know I just don't like how my classmates use me just for my talent lol but it's ok just for the good scores and all but do I really need to do all the work? Like in groups it's so frustrating I know half of u ppl who do really care for updating this book all I can say is thank you for taking the time to reading my book and its a pleasure u guys actually followed me lol ily k bye🙃😞

I know some of you really read the whole thing thenks

I know some of you really read the whole thing thenks

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I wish ugh

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