like her

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If a wear a smile like hers
People would be able to say that I am beautiful too
If I smiled like her
I would be able to have a piece of that love too

Again today, I practice looking like her
Not forgetting again tomorrow like that girl
Looking in the mirror and putting on makeup to go and meet you

To forget that girl who left so cleanly
I will love you in her place
To erase her who threw you away cruely
Look at me, I only want to become her for your sake

When you are in pain, it's not my name
Even if you call her name, I'm okay.
When you are hurt and thoughts of her come up
And you are jealous of another man and cry, it's all okay.

I am weak here too, so my heart goes out to you more.
If I'm not here what would happen?
For a moment, even not being able to go anywhere, I will be by your side

Us together, we can act like we are completely happy
I can do better than that girl
As her and not as me
I would throw away everything until this moment
Is there no way you can love only me?

Well, believe it or not..
There is someone that you may know or you don't that actually willing to do everything just to be loved by someone..
So, you should be thankful because you got someone right beside you 😉

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