If only I could

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If only i could!

If only i could, run away
from this cruel world,
where there dwell
lifeless souls of demons
sucking our every breadth out.

Hurting us till we bleed
and killing us,
even after we are dead
long back.

I am not a coward
to escape.
But, i am human
whose soul is betrayed,
cheated and hated.

But, i am human
who has feelings,
with my imaginary wings
even i do fly in my dreams
wishing to
live a life for once.

But all of this is,
If only i could.

-basirath afreen


In need of your views.

What ever happens or even how hard the situation is no matter what never give up in life. Always take in positive vibes and distant all the negativity.

Have a good day dear readers.😊😊😊

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