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「I am entrusting this to y0u.」

"You can't. It's my duty to stop you from doing this."

「Y0u know what happened the people no longer trust us aft3r I killed ░░░. Th3y  t0ld y0u and y0u kn0w that I can n0 l0ng3r liv3 with th3 burd3n I carry. Y0u must d0 this f0r m3 Amélie.」

"I can not your majesty, what will 0ur people do without you? You are kinder than any other."

「Y0u and 1 ar3 trapp3d und3r th3 curs3 0f th1s land, and y3t, the 3xist3nc3 of b0th 0f us 1s n0t n33d3d. S0 y0u can tak3 my plac3. Pl3as3  Amélie, d0 th1s f0r m3. I can n0 l0ng3r undo my 3rr0r5.」

"I-I can't. They will know something is wrong."

Th3y will n0t. You are the only one I can intrust this to. You know what must be done. What 1  mu5t d0. I must ░░░ ░░░. I must ░░ to ░░░. Y0u w1ll b3 a much b3tt3r ░░░░░ than 1 3v3r wa5.」

"He would not have wanted this for you, for us. The weight you carry is not unlike mine, ░ ░░░░░ ░░░ ░░!"

「Heh, heh. S0 th15 15 what d3ath 15. 1 can n0t 3v3n h3ar y0ur v01ce.」


「Thank y0u... f0r 3v3ryth1ng, my friend.」

"Don't leave me!"

[Oooh, I wonder who's talking to Amélie. Just kidding I know. Heehee.]

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