A Request

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Lena roamed throughout the castle. As she wandered she heard voices from behind a door and decided to listen in.

"That glitch caused the queen so much suffering." A female voice sighed.

"You know how she get's when we talk about her,  Sombra." A male voice responded.

"But Ga-"

"That's not my name." The male cut off what the the female known as Sombra was saying.

"Fine. Reaper." Sombra sighed, "After she  was forced to kill Gérard she was so upset, but it looks like she has a crush on that Lena girl. She just doesn't know it yet."

"Yeah, with what happened it makes sense that she..."

Lena decided that this conversation was something she shouldn't be listening to. "Maybe this is why Amélie doesn't like being called the queen. That Sombra person said she likes me," She whispered, "but that would meen that the NPCs can actually think for themselves, but where does leave me?" She wondered about what she felt when she thought about Amélie and slowly began to realize that she loved her. Despite anything that Amélie had done, Lena couldn't not like her even though they had just met. "I should ask her..." Lena thought as she walked towards the throne room.

"Amélie?" Lena called out as she opened the door.

"What is it Lena?" She responded.

"I would like to ask you something." Lena sighed.

"Go ahead, I will answer your questions to the best of my abilities."

"Well," Lena paused, "do the NPCs feel emotions?" As soon as Lena said this Amélie made a pained expression that she had never seen before.

"Get out," Amélie whispered.

"W-what?" Lena asked.

"Get out, and don't come back." Amélie said a bit louder.

"W-why I was-"

"Sombra." Amélie whispered and a girl stepped out from the shadows. "please..."

"Understood." Sombra responded, seemingly upset at how the events before her were unfolding. Sombra made gestured at Lena and before she knew it Lena was falling into the fountain she first spawned in.

"Lol, back so soon, Lena?" Hana giggled as Lena trudged her way out of the water.

"Amélie kicked me out of the castle." Lena sighed.

"Who?" Hana asked.

"The... uh.. queen."

"Huh?" Hana looked confused, "That's not the queen's name."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when I was in the order the queen was just known as the queen," Hana replied, "she  shouldn't have a name, but-"

"Hana!" Jack spoke with a firm voice causing Hana to look confused. Jack, however, didn't address the fact that he just cut her off and continued to speak, "What are you doing back here, Lena? I thought that I made it clear that you weren't supposed to come back here once you left."

"I need your help getting back into the castle." Lena requested.

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