In the afternoon; Her butler, a gentlemen

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December 21st, 1888 at 1:49pm

                           *3rd pov*

The young girl laid asleep on the small bed in the hotel. Her heart-shaped face was relaxed, and her body numb to the touch.

"My, I never thought a lady could sleep so long." Jin smiled to himself as he continued to watch her sleep.

Ambrosia was slowly starting to wake up.

"Good morning!" She yawned rubbing her dark eyes.

"Oh, My Lady, it's actually the afternoon."

Ambrosia eyes widened, her left eye was still dark brown but, her right eye was a beautiful shade is pink. Inside the iris was a intricate pentagram.

"Oh." She said as she looked at the beautiful man sitting at the end of the bed.

"May I ask? Did I really make a contact with a demon?"

"Yes, My Lady, you did." He said calmly.

"So everything that happened. That was all real." She said looking away out the large window.

Ambrosia eyes filled with tears. Everything that had just happened was real.

"Thank you." She whispered as she looked back at the handsome man.

"No, my lady you do not have to thank me." He smiled showing his sharp teeth.

"Well, my lady we must get going. We have to get to the passenger ship." He smiled and took her hand. 

She stood up in only her undergarments. Her off white corset was sitting on a chair, along with her bags.

"You saved my bags?" She asked as he picked out a rather simple dress.

"Well yes, a lady can not be seen in the same dress over and over again."

He walked over to her and helped her put on the corset. Pulling at the strings squeezing it around her waist. After that, he picks up the plain cream and muted yellow dress. Slipping it over her head, and buttoning it up.


"Yes my lady."

"What am I going to do about this?" She questions as she points at her right eye.

"I'll be back my lady." He walks out of the room and quickly returns with a white eye patch.

"Here my lady." He places it on the vanity as he walks over to her. Walking her to the seat and ties it around her head.

"Shall we leave my lady?" He smirks as he grabs all of her bags.

                          *time skip*

"I never asked your name." She said shyly. She was the last person you expected to not remember a name.

"You never named me, my lady." He said in a rather monotone voice. He's beautiful brown eyes looked down at her, flashing a dark pink then returning back to brown.

"Oh." She pauses. "What was your favorite name from you previous ... masters?" She said rather confused on what to call this whole deal.

"Well if you would like to know, my favorite was Jin."

"That's rather simple... I like it." She smile up at him moving a piece of her long curly hair to the side.

"Well, my Lady. We are almost at the port, is there anything you'd like before we board?"

"No Jin, everything is fine." She smiles as they continue to walk. She soon realizes the closer they get to the port the more people are looking at her.

"Ma'am May I ask where you tickets are." The man asked in French with a rather unkind way.

"Excuse me, I advise you to watch who you speak to in that tone." Jin said rather disgusting, he gives the man a nasty look. He still somehow looks beyond handsome though.

"Oh I'm sorry I did not realize I was talking to royalty." He said taking the tickets, not even caring that he was taking to nobility.

"It is fine Jin, let us just leave." She says walking away, head high, heels clicking, and a beautiful fan hiding her lower face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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