Wake up

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After meeting the cute boy named Semer I walked back to the villa.

I entered the salon where my parents and the Browns were sitting , I didn't want to interrupt them because they seem so engaged in the conversation.
So I went up the stairs to go to my room ,walking throw the hallway,  guess who I met again ..
No not Semer  it's Laura , I bent down to get a good look of her.
She a white female dog,  pretty soft pitch black hair and brown eyes .She is soo pretty.
Yeah ! I love dogs.
_" Hi pretty girl , what are you doing here , I bet that you are as bored as I am " I said playing with her hair
She barked.
_" yeah nice to meet you too Laura ,I 'm Acha "
She barked again and tried to lick my face.
_"And yeah ,I'm the same one that you woke  up this morning , I forgot to thank you for that. " 

_" Laura don't play with strangers! "
As if she understood what he said she moved away from me and went towards her and the voice's owner.
I turned around to be met by a tall blond boy with soft brown eyes , sharp jaw line and breathtaking features.
_" humm ..." I tried to speak but he was already gone.
  I don't like being ignored.
I entered the room and set on the bed I checked the time and it was already late at night 20pm.
Not so long after I felt so tired then  I fell asleep. 

Next morning  
I woke up and did all the morning stuff I had to ,then I walked down the stairs to see my parents and Mr and Mrs Brown Sitting in the dining room having breakfast.
_"Good morning " I said adressing everyone.
_" Good morning honey "said mum.
_" Did you have a good sleep? " asked Aline with a big smile per usual.
_" yes ,thank you "
_" Good sweetheart , did you get to meet Axel or not yet ?!"
I shook my head negatively
_" Oh , then can you do me a favor and wake him up , his room is the last one in the hallway upstairs. "
  OK I don't know what she is thinking right now but for a fact waking up someone  you don't know it's a bad idea.
I looked over to my mum  but she just smiled and that meant I had to obey without discussion.
_" Of course " I said forcing a smile but inside  I was yelling
Why me ...why !!!!
She gave me a gracious smile which gave me a bit of courage that instantly faded before I left as she said seriously
_" Be carefull".
Ok whenever Aline is serious that's never a good sign, I gulped and headed up praying to get this done and over with. 

I was in front of his door I knocked but there was no answer , I tried again adding more force into the knock but there was no answer so I tried again and again.....
...... POV
I heard knocking on my door but I ignored it.
Than I heard it again and again  I tried to ignore and get back to sleep but I couldn't it was bothering me.
I stood up and walked to the door I opened it and started to yell at who the hell was trying to wake me up this early.
_" WHAT THE ......" I stopped when I saw her she wasn't so surprised,she just looked at me with a blank face.
_" sleeping princess !?! " OK I don't know really her name.
_" sleeping what ...?!?! Whatever they asked for you down stairs " she said simply and walked away.
Really that wasthe first time that a girl talked to me like that , so indifferently and coldly.
Ouch that just stabbed My  ego.
I turned getting back inside my room and remembered that I was just in my boxers half naked , she didn't even glance at my body.
This girl ......

I'm not perfectOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz