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(Y/N) was an Extremely shy girl. She was not really liked or disliked by anyone but her friends Alphys, Napstablook, Papyrus and Fresh ( who thought she was just the cutest thing). Every day she would walk down the hallways clutching her books to her chest, and trying to stay invisible. As she did this, she would think to herself, ' Just like harry and his invisibility cloak!' she loved books with a burning passion, so this got her dubbed "nerd". she was not sad about this, in fact she rather liked being something they couldn't understand. Unshallow. She was not about to dumb herself down for anyone. 

But today her invisibility cloak was defective.

"Hey nerd!" someone yelled from behind her. She could tell who it was without turning around.

Paperjam, King of all popular kids and jocks.

"shit." she muttered to herself, closing her locker and shutting her eyes tight. not wanting to risk turning around and confronting him.

" Hey nerd, I'm talking to you!" He yelled again

She turned around slowly, grimacing, not daring to open her eyes. He pushed her into the lockers and walked off, laughing with his friends. She got up, dusted herself off, gathered her books , took a deep breath, and yelled after them, " I HOPE THAT BOOSTED YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE!", (not in an angry way, more like pity.) and sped of down the hall as fast as she could.

Sorry for the short chappy but thats ow we do things around here. short and sweet.

like a gnome... 

I guess opposites attract  ( Jock Paperjam x Introvert, nonathletic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now