Chapter 1

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The wind whistles as the birds chirp, along a rocky cavern sits a man. He looked up revealing a scar starting at his left eye and diagonally landing at the bottom of his right cheek. His left arm was aputated and he stayed sitting down inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly.
Then the rumble of thunder crashed causing the man to jolt in fright, the wind came to a climax whipping against the trees. It calmly settled down and nothing was to be heared but the faint exhale of the man.
A red curtain abruptly interupted what was an emotional scene. Then the theater fell into a deep silence as a man walked up on the stage. He wore a suit of armor that clanked as he walked, he stood up straight and attempted to slip out a couple of words but all that came out was air. His cheeks grew more red because of his mistake, yet he changed his posture and out came the words. "Welcome audience to the West gate, if you guys liked the play come again but if you did not, well... Come again anyhow, because we need the money."
The audience grew loud in as people clapped there hands and squeled in excitement. The play was finally over, after 4 hours of watching boring scene after boring scene. There I sat in the front row watching the play that I was forced to. My mother sat next to me and nudged my shoulder ordering me to clap in sequence with everyone.  "Malcolm" she whispered "Didn't you have a good time". I looked to the left were she sat and looked down to meet her eyes. I nodded yes, although I did not like this play in particular I didn't want my mother to know how much I  hated re watching the same play.

But she couldnt remember my name yesterday so it would make since that she wouldnt remember the play. When we finally hit sunlight she twitched. She looked over at me, dazed and confused as she continued to walk with me. Onto the road we walked as carriages past us buy filled with corn and potatoes. The horses slung rocks from beneath there feet and the carriage creeked. Looking up I saw the five hundred foot gate move open, my mother looked up at it as well and muttered the words "Its beautiful." even the shadow of the wall cascading down on us was monsterous and amazing. Made of a thick metal and supported by condensed stone.
The cannons on the top aiming at the outside world which I have yet to seen. We are surrounded by this monsterous wall, and so are the other 6 gates. As we stood on these brick paths and old dirt roads we stand so much smaller almost an ant to the monster. If it all collapsed we would die from what would be just a crumb to it. We are only left overs of what was a huge kingdom. Our modern houses and vehicles are nothing to it. It is equipped with weapons that could end the whole capital in one blow. We built such a great wall to protect us during war. But was is this wall doing now... It is almost as worthless as me. All it is doing is protecting us from something that isnt even happening anymore. In all these thoughts I felt a tap on my right shoulder I looked over to see my mother with the same confused look as before. Then she asked the simple question "Where are we?" . I answered calmly "We just came out of the theater, would you like to go home?" she answered slowly "Yes I would like that very much."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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