Hour 5

27 4 0

Hey, Phil?


I just realized something.

That it was a bad idea to sit near
the back? Yeah, I smell it too.

No, I already knew the bathroom
would be gross. It's basic survival
in the city, really.

Noted. What is it?

Where are you going to stay?

In the city? I dunno, I thought I'd find
an apartment or something. I have a lot
of money saved up; I should pay rent
easily for a few months. Probably.

You didn't set up anything beforehand?

God, you're making me feel stupid. I've 
never done this before, alright?

Listen, trying to find an affordable
apartment on a whim will leave you 
on the streets for at least a week. A 
guy like you can't survive that.

Hey! I'm tough!

Yeah, sure. Look, just stay with my 
grandmother and I. You don't have
to pay rent until you get a good job,
and anyways, I'll need a friend in the
city. That could be, like, your full-time
job. It'll be a lot of work, I'm just
warning you.

I'm sure I'll love it.

So that's it? You'll move in?

Are you sure your grandmother won't mind?

Probably not. She'll dot on you.

Right. It's a deal, then.


This Is Where It Starts (Without Trilogy Part I) (Phan) -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now