Chapter 1

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*These are the texts between Gabbi and Shawn*

Gabbi: Is this Shawn?

Shawn: Yeah, why wouldn't it be?

Gabbi: Well some guys are dicks and give the wrong number when they hit someone's car.

Shawn: Yeah I'm really sorry about hitting you.

Gabbi: So how are we gonna do this? Are you going to pay or what?

Shawn: Yeah so the thing is I don't have any money, my contract for my studio just ended so I'm basically broke.

Gabbi: Fucking great. I'm in college so I have no money. Thanks a lot.

Shawn: Sorry, geez.

Gabbi: Whatever just forget it.

Shawn: Can I make it up to you?

Gabbi: How? You're such a jerk, don't even bother responding. Bye Shawn.

*Hope you guys like this!! These chapters will be shorter, but I will update more often!!*
xoxo madison

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