I want out.

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"At a glance I'm a failure, addicted to pushing paraphernalia

But Daddy had dreams once, my eyes had a gleam once" – J. Cole

Antwan's POV

I just left the house I had bought for me and my baby. I had hired a decorator and a moving crew. They just finished putting everything into the house. It looked great if you ask me. I hope she like it. I did all this with her in mind. I love her and I would do anything to make her happy. I hope she would do the same. I believe she would. I couldn't see her ever betraying me or being unloyal. Y'all see how she was acting in the salon that time. My baby funny as hell.


I walked into my condo and took off my shoes and put my keys on the living room table. My house was clean so that means that Robyn cleaned up while I was out. She not here though, she must have just stopped by. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge and grabbed the bottle of lemonade and poured some into the cup I got out of the cabinet. I got the pizza rolls out of the freezer and put them on a pan and cut on the oven. I grabbed some chips out of the cabinet and decided to go watch some TV while I wait.

I started watching a show called "Into the Mind of a Criminal". It was a good ass show and this lil doctor dude on here smart as fuck but sometimes he be talking too much.

I heard the timer on the stove go off that I had set for 15 minutes. I went and got my pizza rolls putting them on a plate and refilling my lemonade and getting a paper towel.

I didn't feel like cooking and I didn't want to bother Robyn. I haven't really had any free time to myself. It's always either work, Robyn, or the new house. I'm not saying I don't love my baby but I need time to myself.

I love the money I make but it's always so demanding. You never know when something gonna pop off or when you gonna be needed. I get tired of constantly running. Sometimes I just need time to think.

As the show came to an end I went to throw away my trash and to take a shower.

I took off my clothes and went into the bathroom. I turned the water on and looked at myself while it got hot. I was in need of a major haircut. I need a taper and a nice line up. I was looking kinda raggedy and that was a no no.

Imma call my boy Dominique up so he can swing by and cut me up real nice. He was the only person I trusted with my hair besides myself. He got me crispy every time. Line be looking like it was cut by Jesus himself.


I had just finished getting my hair cut. My boy had some time to come get me right really quick.

Today has been cool because I just been chilling by myself. Y'all see I don't really got friends besides my right hand Javon.

Me and him don't really hang because him and his old lady just had a baby girl. I understand. I rather him tend to his family first. I want him to get out of this mess so his daughter will grow up with a dad.

He a good dude. He got a college degree and all. He started doing this to pay for school, but got caught up and never left. The money was too good. See he got a degree in Social Science. He understands people and all of that shit. He need to work in his field.

Imma talk to him soon and release him like an OG.

Nobody ever even knew I wanted to be a Sports Therapist. I wanted to go to school for Sports Medicine. I know It's still possible but I've been doing this for a long time. I even been in the game through two generations of bosses.

I know I can't be a pro ball player but I am nice with a foot ball. That's why I would like to help athletes. If I can't play I wanted to help those who could. I might go to school for it one day. Soon though.

I just wish I could get out of all of this. I want to start a family with my baby.

I try not to kill niggas unless necessary. I don't want bad Karma. I am too young to have regrets and be fucked up in the head cause I killed some innocent people. I do what I have to when I have to but never to innocent people.

I want my future family to see me as a good man not some monste ass nigga who killed people just cause he could.

I really just want Niggas to understand that we call this drug shit "The Game" but it's nothing close. This shit serious. It follows you and puts your entire life in danger, your family in danger.

That's why I want out asap.

I just pray to God I get to live long enough to get out.


Thanks for reading! *Vote and Comment*

-Antwan is my secret lover y'all!!

-A little tiny look into his mind.

-Antwan is so cute

-His mind won't really get revealed until the second book.

Thank yall for hanging I here with me. I'm gonna update more I promise.

Read my other stories "Caught Up" and " Thug Mistress"

- Love, Shaleece

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