Chapter- 2 [J]

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As we entered the cafeteria, the bells chimed behind us. Amber found us a table and we all went to sit there.

"So what do y'all want?" I asked them.

"What are you taking?" Amber asked me.

"Probably a Caramel Macchiato. What are you two taking?"

"Hmm... I'll have a Caffè Latte." Amber replied.

"Just a Cappuccino." Del said nervously. I wonder why she's so nervous. Maybe because we just met?

I went up to the counter and gave the order. After a while, the guy behind the counter gave me the coffees and the cake and I headed back to our table.

"Here you go." I said and placed the things on the table.

I took the Caramel Macchiato in my hand and had a sip. It was my favorite drink.

"So Del, why have you got so many books?" Amber asked.

"Well, I don't like doing much of anything else, so I decided to get a couple of books to read for the break." Del said shrugging and took a sip of her Cappuccino.

"A couple?" I asked giving her a smile. "Well, Amber and I love reading books too! We're complete bookworms."

"Yes! We have so many books in our dorm room that it's less of a dorm room and more of a library." Amber said exaggerating. "Right, Jess?"

"Uh-huh. We've even got a few books from our dorm library that we can't seem to find." I said.

"Wow. That's a lot of books." Del replied. "Have you read all of them?"

"Yup. We have." I replied.

"Except the ones we recently got." Amber said.

"Are they more in number than mine?" Del asked.

"Way too many. Since we're two, we can carry double the books you have there. While Jess here can carry a lot so, yeah, you get the idea." Amber said. Amber must have seen me looking somewhere else and asked what had me distracted.

"Isn't that Natasha? And Samantha and Ethan and... Noah? Wait, what's he doing here?" I asked Amber, and I turned to look at her, to see if she was seeing in the right direction.

"Where?" She asked curiously, and I knew instantly that her eyes were looking for a special someone.

I turned her head in the right direction with my finger so that she could see them, I mean him.

"Oh! He's there! Oh my god! What a coincidence." She said, frantically smoothing down her hair. She looked at me and asked, "How do I look? Is my hair alright?"

I laughed at her reaction and said, "You're beautiful as always, Amber."

"Don't you dare joke around. Tell me the truth!" She said, pouting at me.

"Will you be satisfied if I say you look horrible?" I asked, laughing again. "You look perfectly alright."

She nodded and sat with her back upright, acting like a lady. I looked at Del and saw her staring off at space. She looked confused and left out. "Would you like to meet our friends, if you're alright with that?" I asked her.


"Are you sure? It's alright if you don't want to." I asked.

"Uh-huh. I'm fine completely." She said. "I mean, I'm completely fine." She looked at Amber who took out a pocket mirror to look at herself.

"Don't mind her." I said covering the left side of my mouth with my hand. "You see that guy sitting there in a blue T-shirt?" I asked Del.


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