I Really Miss You

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  • Dedicated to Yasmine Ali


I miss you

So much that I can’t tell you

Words, tears, sleepless nights being spend

I don’t know when the ache in my heart would end

I know so many times I’ve said this

Your beautiful smile is the most what I miss

Your eyes so deep like an ocean

Your touch that took away all my pain and tension

You are my aphrodisiac

And I love you like a manic

I know how stupid I sound

But right now these are the words that I’ve found

There is the emptiness inside me

Which only I can feel but nobody can see

You were the light of my life

How in this darkness I would survive

I miss how you pulled me closer

I miss how you said you’ll love me forever

I curse the reasons that made us apart

Now all I’m left is with this broken heart

You told me not to try to reach you

But all I wanna do is to talk to you

Once again, at least once

Even in vein, but I wanna ask for another chance

I wish my voice could reach you

I wish once again I could feel you

I keep thinking what you are doing

I spend all my time just thinking

I think about you every moment

I try to relive our each and every event

I tried not to let myself get so crazy

But not missing you is totally impossible, let alone easy

I really miss you

I miss everything about you

You are a part of me

And right now inside I’m so empty

I try to compose myself around people

But every day I cry a little

My eyes have dried

Because of crying every night

I wonder what you are feeling right now

I wish I could know somehow

What you are feeling

With what you are dealing

I swear I’m losing my mind

And there isn’t any remedy that I can find

I wanna cut and throw my heart away

I’m tired of its aching every day

No matter what I say or do

All the time I just miss you

And if I get a chance then I wanna tell you

Baby, I just can’t stop loving you

 Dedicated to the love of my life, Yasmine Ali ... I really miss you baby, I love You <3 

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