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I, Gianna Sebria, was hurting, A LOT. I think I had just gone through the most challenging experience in my short, 16 year lifetime. But I forbid myself to end until it's truly time, and no, I'm not dependent on the love of others, but the love of myself. Because what's worth living without any love? It would drive you insane, literally. But I do have the love of one person, the most important person in my life. The one who stuck by my side and showed her beauty and worth to me. My best friend.
Wanna know what just happened to me? Let's start from the beginning...

I had finally just moved to this new town in Illinois. It's called Harrisberg, population: 9,031, a bit small, but acceptable. I'm into cute, small towns. Basically, I've just moved here for my first year of high school. YAY. Don't I sound so enthusiastic through the words I'm writing? I love with my mom and dad who are both horrible at taking an interest in my life, and I think my mom is debating on whether she wants to leave his ass. So why did she move all the way up here from Colorado? That damn beautiful state. In this small, cute town, we actually have a really decent town house. And it wasn't much of a struggle to leave any friends behind, considering the fact that they didn't want to treat me like a human being. Maybe I'll meet someone who wants to love me. A friend, or hell-- even more than a friend!

Before I moved all my small things and big things up the stairs, I visited the school, because this is the month of the open house. Quite frankly, I loved it. It's big, there's options, and I'm interested. Also there's plenty of hot guys who look like they were applying. While I was walking through the huge auditorium this girl caught my eye. And you would think "nothing special about her" but there somehow just... was. It kinda felt like instant connection, like I've known her in some past life. She walked up to me and said "hey, do I know you from somewhere?" Smiling. I responded with "no, at least I don't think so.... the weird thing is that I feel like I know you too. Are you applying?" I asked I little excitedly. "Yeah, considering its the only GOOD high school in town. The others are a little ghetto. Maybe we should hang out more in the future!" She smiled and waved 'bye'. That felt pretty good.

I applied to this school and if you're wondering, yes, I have a car and I came here myself. And frankly a very nice car that I saved for to show my parents responsibility. A 2017 GTR. I drove home and brought my stuff up to my room with the help of my parents, which took all night. Once I lay in bed after getting my whole room set up I just stared at the Ceiling feeling the universe touch me, continuously thinking about a guy who caught me eye. Not as good as that girl did, but still pretty good. He has brunette hair, blue eyes, and straight white teeth. I turned up my speaker connected to my phone through Bluetooth. I was listening to 44 bars by Logic. And I had heard the smartest most clever little lyric ever. No the best one, but just smart. "At least I don't drink to avoid the hurt, they call that cham-pain" I fell asleep to this song and woke up the next morning at around 12 pm. Damn, that's unusual for me. My phone had more notifications than normal and music was still softly playing my my dark room, with a beautiful black velvet blanket covering the window for my "morning" tranquility.

I scrolled through all these strange notifications from people I've never heard from before. Just a bunch of follow requests and people adding me on snapchat, also strangely sending me snaps. I opened one from someone named "Damian_chairman4444" this all just seems weird to me. Like really weird. It was a picture of that guy I saw yesterday and he wrote in the text "you're the new one right?" I just took a picture of my eyes saying "what do you mean?" I opened the rest of them that weren't that interesting, just streak requests. I finally got up once I got so bored in bed that I couldn't stop fidgeting, went downstairs quietly so I didn't catch my parents attention, and got breakfast. Breakfast is a rice crispy treat. Several of them. I got back upstairs to my phone and saw two more notifications from that "Damian" guy... I opened them and the first one read "I mean are you new to the school??" And the second one read "because that would be great." I actually blushed from that. Sheesh I'm such a damn girl. I responded with my full face this time, remembering that it's non of my business what he thinks of my face, and I'm beautiful anyways. I said "yes, I'm going, lol, why would that be great?" I payed down on my bed and scrolled through the other apps on my phone that I do on a daily basis. Then a quick response came and I pretended to respond late. Even though it HURTS to wait to respond when you want to really badly. And it sucks to admit to yourself that you really want to respond, trying to play it off like you can give two shits.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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