The Truth

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Darwin's POV

Banana Joe is still upset about the thing between me and Darwin. I told him to go to the mall on Saturday and me and him can talk about it alone away from everyone else from school.

Time Skip 3 Days

So I start getting ready to go to the mall when Darwin asked where I was going, i had to think of something fast I told him I was going to the mall and I was getting him a gift . he said OK but now I have to talk with banana Joe and find him something as a gift. So on my way there Im thinking of the things Darwin likes. I finally get to the mall and I dont know what to get him but I had to stop thinking about it BC I need to meet Banana Joe. I walk in and see him eating a ice cream and I walk up to him and we start talking so I take a seat. I asked him why he didn't like the fact that me and Darwin are dating now but he just looked at me and he started to tear up. a get surprised and start to look him in the eyes he looks down i start to question why he was crying but he doesn't want to answer i ask again and he answers with a light weak voice."because i l-l..i love you gumball!"

I sit back in shock and i think "how could Joe like me i never know he was gay he dated Tenna but now I understand the laughing stalk of Elmore high school. But its still surprising that hes gay and he likes me oh crap how do i tell him that i dont like him . that was all i could think about then he kissed me i turned red and looked into his eyes as they stared into mine what just happend did he just kiss me oh crap oh crap oh crap how am i going to tell Darwin about this if i do hell kill me and banana Joe. i get up and say i need to go so i can run to the corner of a store in the mall so i run to the one place that reminded me of Darwin. the pet store i go in but i look around i find the perfect gift ill get him a treasure chests that shoots bubbles. its 2:30 now so i guess i could go home but i dont know how to tell Darwin that Banana Joe kissed me.i get home and i go to my room so i could set up the chest for Darwin. i get it done and scream "Darwin!".i here his foot steps on the stares. when he gets in he looks worried and is panicking i guess he though i was hurt or he wouldn't have run up like that. he sees me with a smile and he sees the chest he gets happy and jumps up and down. he jumps at me tackling me to the ground it turns into a make out cession

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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