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{Not a chapter}
{Jared x Reader}
Job: Salesperson at a roller skating place. (Not going to be mentioned very often in the story)
Hobbies: Writing poems and music, and of course, listening to music.

1998. The year that your favourite band was formed.
You've loved Jared/Mars for years now. And it's not one of those loves where you say you love someone or something and you end up forgetting about it in the future, it's a genuine love. One that you'll never forget. Jared is different from the other celebrity crushes you've had. You're not even a fan of more than half those people you had childhood crushes on anymore. Your love for Jared is.. unique.. He makes you feel so happy in a way that no one else can make you feel. Listening to Mars's music brings you back to life. You feel so much happier and much more calm after listening to their music and taking the time to understand what they're actually trying to say. Their creations are completely different from any other. They don't make those love songs only talking about girls or those songs about weed or other drugs. No, their songs tell stories with powerful meanings. And that's why you love them. And the Echelon, what an amazing fandom. They're so supportive and you love each and every one of them. You know you're just like any other Echelon with an obsession over Mars, but the band is the reason you're still here today.

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