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Lets First meet our leads:

Oh Sehun....better known as Oh-Bitch-Faced-Sehun is the director of the top entertainment company of South Korea  S.M. He is 24 years old. He has nothing more than money ,fame and position. No family. No love life.No joy.
No smiles. His only friends are Park Chanyeol, Kim Junmyeon and Do Kyungsoo. Chanyeol being the lead rapper in his company while Junmyeon and kyungsoo being lead vocals. They've been friends since childhood thus are well aware of their attitude and feelings.

Kim Jongin....truly a god gift to mankind. His dancing is a blessing from heaven.He's 21 (yeah i know i know...i kinda changed some facts hehe.) His age is just a number , his mind being no more than of a 13 year old kiddo. Haha you know nini :-)  He loves to smile and his smile is the most beautiful curve after the moon. He loves to dance and to talk. He's an orphane but that is not reflected by his moonlit gentle personality. He is loved by whoever he talks to...even for the first time. His besties are Byun Baekhuld yun and Lay. Beakhyunnie is an upcoming taleunted singer and lay is his Dance teacher cum hyung cum bestie. He's originally korean but had moved to japan for a project an year ago with his brother lay , leaving the byun beagle alone for an year.

A wind that blows away all the bad omens from  life leaving only happiness is love. Happiness in hardships, happiness in friendships, happiness in sadness, happiness in success.

Sehun never believed in these sh its. He had his own way for everything. Being as strong as xiumin's arms....his heart allowed no paths for anybody to enter. For him was to earn money and drag his unwanted existance somehow to the end.  Little did he know that unexpected breeze of happiness was in its way to his life .



Yall  are my fav writters so I've tagged you to notice this(hehe sorry publicity and stuff).Please have a look at my first fanfic and give your reviews. Khanmsamnida.

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