Nini in da house!!!

266 11 4

Jongin's POV

I woke up with a peculiar headache and pain in my left arm. It took my eyes almost a min. Or two to adjust to the sudden brightness before me. My vision was still blurry but I could say it was getting better slowly by the coming moments. When my vision became normal I found myself lying on some bed with white sheet what looked like a hospital bed. Wait. What? I'm in a hospital? And these wires and weird machines beside me? What has happened ? Ummm OK I can figure it out later I guess but the real question is....why's nobody beside me? Where are my family members? Do I have a family?

Okay so that's a problem. I know I'm Kim Jongin. I like to dance.
I have two besties My hyung Lay and Byun Baekhyun the beagle. But why don't I remember anything about my family? Or about the reason I'm in a hospital? Gosh I need to know.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a doctor with 2 nurses. As soon as he saw me he ran towards me and checked my nerves and eyes. He asked if I could see clearly. I nodded in reply.

"Hey doctor, why am I here?"

"You met with an accident which caused you several injuries."
" there anyone here from my family?"

"No, we did not have any account of your family or friends. Your luggage and all personal belongings were stolen away by somebody after the accident."

"Uhhh ohhh... Doctor, I may sound weird but I don't remember anything either about my family or the accident. How come that?"

"It is normal as the iron pole on the side of road hit your head. So you may have some fragmented memories. But don't worry they'll come back as you recover."

I was about to speak again when the doctor silenced me by saying I needed to rest. Okay then.

I was still pondering over the fact that I can't remember my family. I decided to call Beakkie but again, I don't remember his contact no. Ugggghhhh. Why me? Otttoke? I'm so bored here and over thinking about these matters just gives me a good headache.

Hmmm....let me look around.

Waaaa... That oak tree outside is so big. O_O  And wait. Is that a pink fan? No I don't like pink. Those are for girls right. Ohh yess....I had read somewhere pink is the colour of passion. And yellow was for friendship? And white for peas. Wait. Was it peace? Yes it was peace. How stupid. Peas are green.

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