Chapter 3

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I starred at him with a blank expression on my face

"You eat like an absolute pig" I said loud enough to get his attention of the Yorkshire that was half hanging out of his mouth

"Well I do try to impress" he replied sarcastically, "oh and before I forget,I've got you something" he said swallowing his mouthful of food and getting up from from his seat to run up the stairs.

He returned after about 2 minutes with a little bag, nothing on the sides so I was completely cluelessness to where it was even from. He didn't normally get gifts, he usually just paid for dinner and showed me a good time afterwards, but I wasn't going to complain.

He sat back down in his chair and told me to eat up otherwise I won't get it. He's such a pain sometimes!

"That was so lovely Justin!, I didn't know you could cook" I smirked.

"Well hopefully it happens more often, so you know,paparazzi don't catch on to anything we've got going on here"

"I totally agree, it was great" I nodded.

He held his hand out, stood me up and then tucked my chair in. Pulled me over to the sofa and then handed me the bag.

"Just a little something, I know you've wanted one for ages so thought I'd treat you considering we couldn't do anything Valentines day" A smile begun to crack through the sides of his mouth.

I smiled. And read the tag that was attached which read

'You're all that matters to me'

"Quoting your own songs,really? You're so cheesy man!"

"Just open it Ruby!!' He said sounding frustrated but still laughing from my comment.

I pulled out the bag a small squared box, I still haven't have a single clue what it was, I didn't even know their was something I wanted for ages Justin folded his arms and grinned with anticipation.

" But I didn't get you anything' I laid back and sulked

"Ruby, please just open it! It's a Surprise, it's just to make you happy. You're supposed to appreciate it, god!"

I pulled a face at him "mer"

I opened the box to reveal a Tag Huer watch. My jaw dropped to the floor! I wanted a watch but THIS. Oh my god! I was gob smacked. I looked up to Justin who had a smile on his face also.
I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He got his phone out and took a photo of the watch, then uploaded it to Instagram with the caption "she can't stop smiling at this present" I glared at him

"What? Nobody's going to know it's you, don't you think it will be fun to hear everyone talking about Justin Biebers mystery girl when it's you all along?"

" hmm, I suppose so" Justin took the watch out of my hands and then took my wrist to out the watch on. He then kissed my hand, and up the rest of my arm, leaving trails of kisses over my collar bones and up my neck.

"Now get the fuck up those stairs" he ordered pointing at the ceiling.

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