Saving Faith~Chapter 2

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Not As Perfect As You May Think

So, most people usually have 'a safe spot'. You know what I'm talking about? If not, your safe spot is a place or a thing that gives you a sense of easiness and peace. My safe spot is this pond, it's about a ten minute walk from my house and I've been going to this spot since I was just a little kid. My Dad would always take me and my brother there when we went on our Winter Walks that he would take us on.

This is my 'Safe Spot' because it has lots of memory's there. No mater where I look there's something I can remember that's happened here and that gives me that little sense of peace I've been looking for every once in a while. Most of the memory's are happy ones and some make me laugh a little, and it's nice to have a break from the constant darkness in my head and just be able to enjoy something once in a while.

I'm the type of person that looks too far into small things and makes more into things than there actually is. Such as how if you came to this pond at first glance you would think it was a perfect wee place,where as you're actually very wrong. This pond has a lot of little and big things wrong with it that I manage to make out. Some of them being how the wooden pier that goes into the middle of the pond still isn't completely finished, or how some of the bits of wood are longer than the others at the end.

It makes me think of myself in a way. On first glance I'm pretty much perfect, I've got a pretty nice body and not too bad features. I'm talented at a bunch of different things such as photography and dance which are two of my favourite. Also I've got a good family that treat me with respect and put a roof over my head and food on the table. Now, to other people I'll be perfect for that, but in reality, I'm incredibly far from perfect. I have a mind that won't let me enjoy my hobbies or let me give myself a 'well done'. It doesn't stop complaining so I end up with no sleep every other night. It constantly tells me how I'm absolutely disgusting and maybe just skipping out on a few meals will stop me from being so fat, because in my head I think of my self as fat, ugly, annoying, dumb, and talentless and the fact that nobody but myself knows this, nobody knows to help me. So I'm on my own. Well, so I think anyway.

Anyway now that I've gave you a little inside on my head I'm going to get started on my day. Which, very exiting by the way, is school. Yay! I'm sure you can just smell my sarcasm from here. Yeah, my school is pretty much one of those cliche movie high schools. You have the geeks that either hang out in the computer suite at lunch or they'll stand in the corner of the halls, playing Pokemon, hoping that the jocks won't break their glasses and give them a noogie. I feel bad for the kids because they never done anything to deserve to be treated that way. And I know that if I see something like this happening and I disagree with it then I should do something about it but honestly, I don't exactly want to turn out like them so I'll just stick to putting a blind eye to it. I know I'm a terrible person, no need to remind me.

Next we have the Jocks that I just told you about. Yup, the stereotypical 'I'm better than you because I'm hot and my Daddy has money' Jocks. They're really annoying if I may say, you just really want to shove one of those footballs in their mouth.

Then we have you're snobby bitches that think they're better than everybody because, again, 'Daddy has so much money he could shove half of it up his arse and still buy this country' I mean, no body cares about how much money you're dad has so maybe can-it-down a bit?

And then we have those stoner kids that skip classes so that they can get high behind the school. It's like they think they own behind the school next to the Dams because only the stoners go behind there, like even no teachers go behind there. There's only about 15 stoner kids maybe and honestly, I look up to them in a way. Not because they're junkies! I mean because of their loyalty to each other. Because unlike the geeks, Jocks, and bitches who always fall out with each other and stab each other in the back, the stoner kids may not all the best friends but they're all acquaintances and will back each other up no matter what. And I respect that.

And what you're maybe thinking now is where do I fit in. Well I'm in that group of student in the school that just doesn't have a group. I'm not constantly waving off daddy's money nor am I smoking joints every day. So I'm just me, Faith. Now before you start to think I don't have any friends, that's wrong because I do have a friend, and that is my best friend in the whole world, Elena.

Elena is the same as me, has no group, and She has been my best friend since primary 2 since she punched a kid in the nose because he pushed me over during a game of tag then laughed at me. And she's still the same Elena now as the Elena in primary two. If you mess with her or anyone she loves, she'll give you a black eye. I'm lucky to have her honestly. She's always there for me throughout everything and knows the right thing to say. She knows that I have troubles with the battle with my mind but whenever I need her she'll step in and fight my battle with me. It's a rare occurrence but when there is that time when I bring her into battle, she's an amazing help and I win the battle for some time. 'Some time' being a couple days.

Walking into school today with Elena was just the same as any other day. She'll talk animated about people who've pissed her off and she'll rant about it to me. I don't mind listening to her rant because I'm a listener not a talker. Whereas Elena's more of a talker but can still listen. And I prefer that because I don't like to talk much, I'm too shy honestly.

"So this dude just walked straight into me and never even said sorry so I was like 'do you mind sayin' sorry' and he just gave me a glance and walked away! Can you believe him?! Ugh!" Was the first thing Elena said to me as she walked into step with me going into the school gates.

"Well hello to you to Elena" I said with a chuckle. Elena just carried on like I never spoke.

"Honestly his mama should teach him some manners ya know?" She said with an over exaggerated defeated look while flopping her once waving arms to her thighs.

Well I can tell this is going to be an interesting day.

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