Chapter 4

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It was my last class of the day now. Art. I love art with a passion, when I was younger my Dad would always sit me and Jasmine at the table and teach us how to draw and after all these years it's still been my biggest passion, besides fighting.

I walked into Art by myself because Char, who is usually in this class with me, and Chase decided to skip after lunch to go watch 'Fantastic beasts' at the cinema since neither me or Dylan wanted to watch it.

I sat at the front of the class and waited for Miss.Carlin to start the class. Miss.Carlin is my favourite teacher, she's one of those teacher that don't act like you're a student or a child. She teaches in her own way and makes class fun all the time. Me and her are really close because after 'the incident' I became really distant from everyone and she noticed and looked after me. I told her everything that happened and about the state my mum was in at the time and Miss.Carlin became a sort of mother figure for me. Every morning I would go to school early before my mum woke up and sit in Miss.Carlin's classroom until the bell went and she even brought me breakfast and lunch. So she became the mother I never had.

Miss.Carlin walked into the class and smiled when she noticed me and I smiled back. All students really respect Miss.Carlin since she doesn't treat u like trash and she doesn't think she's more powerful than you like a lot of other teacher do. So she gives us respect and we give it back to her.

She soon began the lesson and let me tell you, it was the best 50 minutes of today. It even managed to take my mind off of the thing I've been dreading all day. Being stuck in a room with Mason Broon. Send help? SOS? The devils trying to kidnap me? God I wish someone could read my thoughts and save me from this.

"Jade, could you please stay behind after the lesson?" Miss.Carling asked me.







God, are you real?

I'm saved.

She just saved me.


Thank the lordssssssss!

"Yes Miss." I said smiling like a freak.
But who can blame me?! She saved my poor innocent self from being stuck with a douchbag! I'm so happy right now! Where Pharell Williams when you need him!

My thoughts about Pharell Williams was cut short once the bell rang. Which I'm not going to lie, give me a mini heart attack. The things loud okay. After the last student was out the class I walked up to Miss.Carlin.

"You needed me Miss?" I asked, still smiling like an idiot. She gave me a curious look about my creepy smile but said nothing about it and continued what she wanted me for.

"Well I won't take long but-" my smile immediately turned into a frown when she said it won't take long."-I was wondering if you wanted some of the extra gel pens I have? I ordered 20 when I only met to order 10 so if you want them you can have them" she finished smiling.

"That's all you wanted? No keeping me back for about an hour because you caught me sticking gum under the table or no hour long lesson on how it's rude to put ur elbows on the table?!" By the time I ended I started to sound like I was begging, which is was to be honest. Miss.Carlin gave me a confused look before slowly shaking her head.

"Well you should because I don't both of those and its bad manners so should you tell me not to and keep me behind for an hour? I think you should!" I finished and Miss.Carlin looked at me with a furrowed eyebrows and a confused face on for about 10 seconds before she finally spoke.

"Are you asking me to give you in trouble?" She asked slowly. I nodded back.

"Well that's a first-" she said more to herself that anything. "-may I ask you why you want to get into trouble?"

"Because I may or may not have been forced to help Dylan pretty much babysit this baboon after class" i rolled my eyes at the end of it.

"Okay Jay-" yes, even she calls me Jay. "- well I'm sure Dylan wouldn't want to do this alone-" she was smirking! She's on his side! How dare she?! "-so I have to let you go, I'm sorry pet" she said in the most unsympathetic way ever. I can't believe her right now. I was left looking like a fish out of water the way my mouth kept opening and closing.

"When did you turn to the dark side?!" I exclaimed once I finally found my voice again. And the wee she devil just smirked and wiggles her fingers at me as a way of saying goodbye. Slowly I backed out of her class still looking agape at her until I was at the door.

"You're evil" I said pointing at her and turning around and out of the class, while walking down the hall I could hear her over exaggerated evil laugh which made me let out a small chuckle.

Well, I guess I have no choice but to go to the library now.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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