Chapter 8 Studio Flirts: Rebounded

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A/n: ok so nice 2 see more ppl reading but I need comments & votes

give me feed bck ppl (remember so scenes my get rated R on ya. Read @ ur own risk and it’s Prince’s POV)Enjoy>>>Tunechi<<<

Ray: WTF!?!(To himself)[he ran back 2 the guess room]

Liyah: Jacob I lo….

Prince: can you stop callin’ me Jacob cause I don’t like that name

Liyah:[ gives him the did-he-just-interrupt-me look] look JACOB you got me in your bed AGAIN plus we kissin’ after what’s happening we shouldn’t even talk 2 each other so therefore I’m gonna call you Jacob

Prince: [baby voice] awww I like it when you try 2 yell @ me[smiles then laughs][serious voice] but you better call me Prince from now on. Now what were you sayin’

Liyah: you know what just forget about it and remember I can make you cry [hears the door close] did you hear that

Prince: yea

Liyah: we need 2 leave before we get caught[gets off of Prince]

Prince: good point [they both head for the room]


(Ray P.O.V)

Should I tell them what I saw are what?

Liyah:[walks in the room] hey y’all ready 2 go

Everybody except Liyah: yea

Ray:[stares @ Liyah until she sees] Liyah we gotta talk later

Liyah: sure

Prince:[walks in the room] c’mon y’all we gotta hurry for we be late you know how she is

Boys except Prince: yea right

Roc :( P.O.V I get 2 see Eb fine ass 2day)

Princeton gets Hendrix and they all head 2 the bus and leave for Miami Stars

{Meanwhile @ Liyah’s House-3:15}

{Ebony P.O.V}

As I pulled up into the driveway  I started 2 remember all the good time Liyah, Reese, and I used 2 do before…. My phone rings [it was a txt from a blocked number that had texted her previously so I ignored it] I got out the car and knocked on the door.

Momma Sasha: Hey Eb baby girl

Ebony: hey ms

Momma Sasha: what are you doing her Liyah & Reese are with the boys

Ebony: o I know I’m going 2 met them I came for *A.J barks in the background* A.J. C’mon A.J we gonna see momma bye ms

Momma Sasha: bye sweetie

[Eb closes the door and walks to the car and starts it up]

{Meanwhile-on the bus}

{Liyah P.O.V}

Liyah: Ray didn’t you wonna talk 2 me

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