chapter one

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I leaned against the counter and played with the ends of my long wavy brown hair while watching the clock that was near the doorway as it ticked slowly.

5.00 pm

I immediately stood up from my leaning position and bolted towards the door and turned the open sign to 'closed'. Just as I turned to shut the door there was suddenly a boy with messy blonde hair not much older than me stopping me from doing exactly that.

I began to declare that my coffee shop was in fact officially closed and hoping to God that this boy before me, did not plan on robbing me.

"I'm really sorry but could we please hide in here for a minute," This boy surprisingly pleaded in a thick accent that I could not recognise at first. I glanced behind the boy and saw four other boys and two girls. I immediately realised who they all were. I vaguely remembering hearing the news mention that the One Direction boys were back in Australia, apparently just for a holiday this time. Realising that I couldn't very well be mean and slam the door in their faces, I sighed and stood to the side and held the door open wider for them all to hurry inside the cafe. Instantly each boy ran to a window to pull the blinds and curtains across.

Once this was done and awkward silence followed, which however was cut short by screams coming from outside. Instantly I headed towards the door to take a look but I was stopped by another one of the boys.

"Probably best if you didn't walk outside right now," He smiled shyly at me.

"Right, well look I really do not want to be held up in here all night," I replied grumpily, I had plans and I quite desperately just wanted to leave work.

"Oh they should be gone really soon, I'm Liam by the way," the boy in front of me held out his hand for me to shake.

"Skye," I replied taking his hand and smiling.

He slowly introduced me to everyone, both of us acting like I didn't already know. He pointed at Louis who grinned largely towards me, then Niall the blonde boy who I saw first, Zayn who politely waved from his sitting position on a cafe chair and Harry who was leaning against the counter and lastly the two girls who were with them were Danielle and Eleanor, Liam and Louis girlfriends.

"Right, well um if you guys don't mind I just have to quickly finish up a few things," I awkwardly stated heading behind the counter.

"You won't get in trouble from your boss for us being here?" Liam inquired. I smiled at how sweet he was before replying.

"I am the boss, I own this place," Instantly all eyes were on me.

"How old are you?" Louis blurted out and received a smack from Eleanor.

"Just turned 18 last month," I laughed before putting the money from today's work in the safe, out in the room behind the cafe. When I walked back in there was an awkward silence.

"So... how are you guys liking being back in Australia?" I asked, breaking the silence and also giving away the fact that I knew who they were. But I mean they were One Direction, who didn't know who they were.

"It's great," Niall piped up from his chair next to Zayn, "I love the sun."

I smiled at him, pleased that they loved it here; I couldn't help but have some pride for the country I lived in.

"We can probably head out now, I'm sure the fans have lost us by now," Harry stated as he stood up from his leaning position on the counter. He walked right past me without looking and headed to the door.

"Thank you for letting us hide here, sometimes we just can't handle all the screaming fans" Liam said politely smiling at me, as everyone stood up and said there thank you, everyone except Harry who walked outside almost instantly.

I smiled back before rushing out the back to grab my bag and fished for my keys ready to head home. I locked up and jumped in my blue car and quickly drove home. I was still in slight shock from my encounter when I arrived home and quickly ran through the front door. I instantly went in search of my two best friends who I live and worked with. I headed in the direction music was coming from and found them both in my room searching through my jewellery.

"You will have no idea what happened to me today!" I exclaimed as I chucked my bag on the ground and jumped on my large bed.

"What?" Paige my brunette best friend said while walking from the vanity table that held some of my jewellery and make up, and sat next to me on the bed.

"Did the old creepy guy ask you what you were doing tonight again?" Casey my blonde haired friend asked as she dug further through my jewellery.

"No," I said slightly disgusted, "One direction came into the cafe just as I was closing!" I told them while hardly being able to contain my smile. There was a slight pause before they both turned to look at me.

"Very funny Skye," Casey said before turning back to my jewellery.

"I'm being serious!"

"Uh-huh sure, now stop procrastinating and go get ready for the party," Paige said before pushing me off the bed which resulted in a loud thud as I hit the ground.

"Guys!" I whined, not knowing how to convince them that I was telling the truth.

"Okay serious question, where on earth are you gold circle earrings with the pink rock in the middle?" Casey turned to me frustrated with her hands on her hips.

"You mean these ones,' I said pointing to my ears, as she quickly nodded. I laughed and pulled them off for her and headed to the bathroom to get showered. If my friends wouldn't believe me there was no point in trying to convince them. Besides I had absolutely no proof that they were there. It's not like I would ever see them again so they would be no harm if it remained my little secret.


so that chapter one :P 

the uploads will be every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 

love Sophie xxx

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