chapter 16

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I pulled onto a dirt road that went around a bend of trees before pulling into a clearing next to a river. There were about 10 other people here and I pulled my car up next to the other 3 cars with the boys pulling up next to mine. I jumped out and helped everyone get the chairs and drinks and food we had brought with us out of the car. We headed over to the group and I made the introductions. The boys got along great with each other as I saw a lot of the girls trying to check out the guys, I just laughed smirking at my friends.

"Have you jumped yet?" I asked Leighton, a blonde curly haired friend of mine, he just shook his head at me as we smiled at each other and raced up a massive hill. I could hear the others following.

"Jumped what?" Louis asked coming up behind me. I smiled and pointed over towards the bridge that we had driven over to get here. He looked at me confused.

"We jump from that into the water." I explained further, laughing and running over towards the edge.

"Is it safe?" Harry asked glancing over the edge at the pretty big drop into the water.

"We do it all the time." Casey said as I quickly handed my clothes to her so I was just standing in my bikinis. Laikin and I smiled at each other before standing up onto the railing over the bridge. Then we both turned around so we were facing everyone and our backs were to the water.

"On the count of three," he said to me holding up three fingers. "One, Two, THREE!" he screamed as we both did a back flip off the bridge. I then did a spin which made sure I was diving headfirst with my arms straight. Those few seconds of air made the adrenalin pump through my system, before I felt the sudden shock of the freezing cold water hit my body. I then surfaced gradually being pulled with the current. I high fived Laikin before we quickly swam to the bank side and headed back up to the others.

"That was crazy!" Louis exclaimed as he was already standing up the top of the railing with Harry and a few of the other boys. They all jumped in together. We then all took turns jumping again.

"Do you girls want a go?" I asked turning to Danielle and Eleanor who both looked slightly nervous. "Come on I'll jump with you." I said pulling them both over to the edge. Louis and Liam held their hands as they both slowly stood on top of the railing gaining their balance as I clambered up without any help. I'd done this enough times I didn't need help balancing that high anymore. I grabbed both of their hands.

"Ready?" I asked them both smiling as Danielle shook her head and Eleanor looked like she was going to puke. I laughed. "On the count of three, one, two, THREE!" I screamed and jumped holding both of their hands as we went feet first into the murky water below. I could hear both of their screams all the way down. I laughed as I re-surfaced to see both of them with large smiles.

"That was amazing, you get the biggest rush!" Danielle ranted as we swam to the edge. We had a few more jumps before I was growing tired and swam around the river with the girls as the boys continued to jump. I smiled watching them do front flips and back flips and any crazy move they could think of, yahooing the whole time. Eventually us girls got out and sat down to chat.

Danielle and Eleanor fit in really well with the other girls as they chatted about anything.

"Can we start the fire?" I asked the boys as they climbed out of the river after jumping. They quickly set to work starting the bonfire to warm us up, as it was starting to get dark and the temperature was starting to drop. After drying myself off, I stuck my shorts and shirt back on to warm up a bit more. The boys finally stopped jumping when it got too dark to see anymore and came and joined us.

We started to cook food over the fire as most of the boys were complaining from hunger. I sat on a chair next to Harry with my feet up and resting on his legs chatting with Eleanor next to me.

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