Everything is about to change

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Aubrey's POV


Jack follows me into our bedroom. We designed our 'house' after a 21st century earth house we saw. I open up my closet and pull on a white tank top and camouflage pants. My utility jacket goes on top. I do own a gun now, several actually. I don't fire them unless I have to. I mostly use them to threaten enemies rather than killing on the spot.

I pull my hair up into a messy bun and yank on my boots. Jack sits down on the bed next to me to pull on his.

"He took that better than I thought."

"You were right. I had to tell him." I reply. He smiles and hugs me tight.

"Come on. Let's not leave the Doctor waiting." I stand up and we walk out.

"Doctor!" I call out.

"What is it?" he answers.

"We need to park our ship before leaving. Let's just hyper-jump to the moon." Jack and I walk to the flight deck. I jump into my spin-y chair.

"Whee!" I spin around and enter in the coordinates for our flight. Jack jumps in his chair beside me and prepares for takeoff. The Doctor walks in.

"Posh. I like it." He states.

"You might want to buckle up." Jack says. The Doctor hops into the other spinning chair.

"Woohoo!" he yells as he spins around.

"Seriously, buckle the seatbelt." I say.

"Nah. I'm good."

"You're going to regret this. So, sorry." I push the hyper-jump lever. I get pushed back in my seat just by the sheer g-force.

"Oh no!" the Doctor falls off the back of his chair. I roll my eyes. He'll just hit the wall at the worst. We fling forward when we come to a stop above the atmosphere.

"Ow! That hurt!" the Doctor yells at me.

"Told you so." I reply. He sits down in his seat and crosses his arms.

"Prepare for landing, sweetheart." I say. Jack and I activate the auto-landing pilot system. I unbuckle and stand up.

"Why didn't you tell me that would happen?" the Doctor whines.

"I did. I told you to buckle and you didn't. Your fault!" I say.

"Come on! I haven't seen the TARDIS in 132 years! I've missed her!" I nearly shout.

"Her?" Jack asks.

"Yeah, it's a timelord thing." The Doctor replies. I run back to the TARDIS and stare at it. I take a deep breath and open the doors. It's just as amazing as I remember. The silver walls and Gallifreyan names spiraling above the controls.

"Oh, sexy! It's me! I've missed you!" I run up and look at the controls.

"Wait, what?" Jack asks.

"Uh, timelord thing." I reply. He rolls his eyes and walks in with me. The Doctor follows him.

"Alright if I enter the coordinates this time?" I ask the Doctor.

"Fine by me!" he replies. I enter unknown coordinates into the panel and prepare the TARDIS for takeoff.

"Ready?" I ask the boys.

"Ready." They reply. I pull down the lever and the TARDIS shakes. I laugh with joy. I've missed that sound so much. Jack grabs on to me around my waist.

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