Trying to remember

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I wake with a fright, seeing I'm in a different room with the lights on, I'm still chained so it's no use trying to get out, I wonder why I'm here or how I got here. Trying to remember something that should come normally, my name 'did they take my memories even my name?' I think to myself I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice someone open the door and was watching me again, I glare at the dark green guy with blond hair having a feeling he is he reason I'm here, he chuckles and walks towards me
"What's my name!" I demand in a cold voice that makes me surprised, I notice that his eyes grow shades darker and his face twists in anger
"You do not ask me questions I'm the only one asking questions!" He yells in my face 'someone has anger issues' I think to myself smirking, he growls in frustration then does something that confuses me, he backs up and smirks with amusement, he opens his mouth to speak but before he could he gets cut off with a loud bang and the door flys open and in comes running the brown eyed guy, panting and covered in bruises and blood
"Boss... attacke-"  but before he could finish he gets cut off by a gunshot, I yelp in surprise and see the boys looking at me with worry and I start getting confused and see that they are looking at my stomach so I look down and see my dirty, white tee shirt starting to turn crimson red; and I look back up to find the rude blond hair guy taking his shirt off and pressing against my wound I barely wince because I was too busy looking at the brown eyed guy with worry because I didn't want him to get shot and out of the corner of my eyes I see the blond hair guy look where I'm looking, and he sees I'm looking at the brown eyed guy with worry, his eyes swirl with a unknown emotion to me. The blond hair guy pulls out a key and unlocks the cuffs and yells to the brown eyed guy, as he picks me up 'damn I really need to know there names' I think to myself and I completely didn't hear what the blond haired guy said to brown eyed guy 'im going to call the brown eyed guy brownie and the blond hair guy cupcake'  just as I was about to say something I start seeing black dots and eventually I fall into darkness.

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