Chapter 32

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Lucy's Pov

The next morning we are forced to pack up and leave to go to the next city. I'm on the bus right now, and I locked myself in the back room. I will let every one in except Zayn and Holly. I head out of the room I grab some food. I have my headphones in listening to music. The boys and girls are watching tv, and Zayn and Holly are cuddling on the couch. oh lovely.

I grab some food, and ask the driver when we will get there. two more hours on the road. I can deal maybe..

Two hours of torture. we finally get to the arena, everything is blocked off. I tell Paul I want to work out I let of some steam. my personal trainer sets up a room for me as I go to change.

I put on Nike shorts, tank top, and my free runners. I put my hair in a pony tail and grab my bag. I meet my trainer and we get to work. Few stretches, then warm ups. I have to run a mile, so my trainer gives me a monitor and I run around the arena. I have my music blasting as I run. I run pass the boys and girls that are hanging out around the stage.

My trainer meets me on set, and I take a sip of my water. He tells me there is a punching bag over here. he sets me up on some drills. He holds the punching bag, as I obey his orders. I notice Harry joins me for some drills. I let him take over as I do my cool off, which is yoga. the girls join me in yoga. the boys walk in for a cool down, I didn't know the others were working out.

Holly walks in, and disgust was written all over her face.

"You better shower before you touch me." She tells Zayn

Everyone else rolls there eyes at her. She takes a seat in the couch.

"Great job today." Our trainer says

I hug the girls and guys except Zayn.

"Ew." Holly says

"Can we help you?" I ask

"That gross touching people when they are all sweaty." Holly says

"Well then leave." I snap

She glares at me before walking up to me.

"Better watch what you say, don't forget I can ruin you." she warns

She walks out, and my face drops. everyone is looking at me even Zayn. I walk off but, before I leave I throw a good punch at the wall leaving everyone behind. I need to get away. I head over to get the first aid kit. I bandage my hand up and head back to the bus to shower.

I head to rehearsal a bit early, and prepare myself for tonight. Holly walks in as I'm dancing. she heads over I my trainer who then leaves. She stops my music, making me glare at her.

"Can I help you?" I say

"Better watch out, because since you made that hole in the wall, I can easily get people to Frame you. I can be looking all bruised up, and blame you." she smirks

"Why are you doing this! I never did anything to you!" I yell

"It's not what you did, it's because you had Zayn." she says

"I didn't have Zayn." I say

"All he ever talked about was you! he liked you, that's why I will do anything to get you and him to never be together. Your worse nightmare is coming up Lucy." she smirks before leaving

What the fuck dose she mean? ugh, that girl makes me want to jump off a a bridge. I finish my dance up and then head to the dressing room.

Lou stops me and I vent out my problems to her.

The concert was amazing, I actually got twitter questions! I sat by a Harry and Niall though. Overall the concert was loud and crazy. I'm laying in my bed in our hotel room. The girls are all asleep, so I tip toe out the room and grab some food.

I heard some one chuckle. turning around I find Zayn

"Hey." he says

"Hi." I mumble

"How are you?" he asked

"I'm okay" I says, "I better get back to my room."

I hurry off to my room before he could say anything.


I will update when I can!! for the past three weeks I have been staying after school till like 5-6 every single day including fridays!! I don't have to stay after vey day anymore, so I will try and update WHEN I CAN!

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