o10. graduation then this?

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i was legit writing this while rehearing Jungkook's cover to Paper Hearts


Today was my graduation day, i go to the seat i was assigned next to DongWoo and Sahun i look around to look for Hoya it was odd but i quickly turn around to the principle as she was going to speak soon, people were slowly being called out next minute i know i was called up along with DongWoo, Sahun and other people as the teachers congratulate us we began to walk back to our seat, i tried to look for Hoya then i suddenly see him smiling at me i smile back, after the teachers and principle congratulated us and thanked us, i took a few photo's and headed home with my parents.

"y/n at 6:40 get ready we are going to Hoya's house to have dinner ok?" eomma said out of the blue but i still nodded i arrived home it was still 3:30 so i headed to my room and fell asleep.

"Y/N! WHY ARENT YOU DRESSED YET!" i woke up it was 5:40 which means i have a few minutes left i decided to wear my school clothes to dinner i was to lazy to change typical me tho


"so y/n? in university what are you going to do?" "well im going to do the designing course" you answered back while smiling

"well we hope you get your dream job!" "ahh gamsahapnida!" you thanked them as you got a text message from Jinyoung (NOT FROM GOT7, B1A4 OR ANY IDOL JINYOUNG)


Jinyoung: y/n can we meet at the park near your house, please?


"mianheyo, im going out to see a friend for a few minutes, gamsahapnida for the food!" you say while thanking them you head out passing Hoya but giving him a smile he grabbed your arm and it got the parents attention

"gajima, hajima" you froze at Hoya's words "gajima...." "mianhae Hoya i need to meet Jinyoung..." you slowly brought your hand to his, he grip went more tighten "GAJIMA!" Hoya suddenly shouted making his parents standing up and walking to him "HOYA! IS THAT HOW YOU TREAT Y/N IN FRONT OF HER PARENTS" his grip was gentle he let go giving his parents a pissed face and headed out ignoring his parents

"I'll go get him and talk to him about it" you headed out looking for Hoya but suddenly Jinyoung popped in your mind you went to the park seeing him there
"Oh hey! y/n i thought wouldn't come so i waited a little longer" "ahh mian i didn't answer you back Jinyoung, so what made you call me here?" You asked Jinyoung to see if everything was ok


y/n asked me if i was okay, i looked be hide her and saw Hoya i pulled her into a kiss Hoya had gotten closer, she pushed me away and wiped her lips

"Hey Hoya," i said making her turn in complete shock

"Hoya it's not wh-" she quickly tried to say

"I know its okay.....i was going to break up with you anyways," Hoya said like nothing happened

"waeyo?....was our relationship nothing to you jinjja?" i see y/n turn to me while crying, i felt really bad for her i thought y/n and Hoya would never break up but it looks like my thoughts were wrong, i looked at Hoya his faced was filled with hate, regret, and disappointed. I started to wonder why he did that he loved y/n he would never ever let her go, but he just did i started to get pissed at him i gave him a death glare i pulled y/n into a hug i could tell she was crying harder.


i pulled out of Jinyoung's embrace i thanked him, i walked to my house not coming back to Hoya's house to get my parents i pull out my phone to call Sahun she picks up


"ne? what is it y/n?"

"can i stay at your place for a week? or so?" 

"um yeh is something wrong come to my place and we will talk"

Sahun hung the call, i arrived home by then i quickly packed my stuff and headed to Sahun's apartment

"Y/N! You're HERE NOW LETS START TALKING!" Sahun dragged me into her apartment and put me on the couch 

"Hoya and i broke up........but please don't tell the others," i say without hesitation i look up to Sahun she was the only person i could trust right now

"ahh don't worry that happen with me and SungYeol and the other girls and the boys, they suddenly broke up with all of us aish boys are odd but..... do- don't wor-worry...." Sahun started to sob thinking about SungYeol, i surely felt bad for her and the others

 'at the end, the guys decided to break the girl's heart...' i thought


End Of Chapter o10. graduation then this





Admin Sahun





Reason For Story: Hoya is my ultimate bias

(tbh all the members are my bias lmao)





word count: 843

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