Change My Mind

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Katara was in her quaint little bedroom reading one of her waterbending scrolls when she heard a soft knocking sound. It took her several seconds to identify what the noise was. Someone was at her door; she assumed it was her boyfriend Aang. "Come in," she invited.

The door opened with hesitation something Aang would never do. Katara was surprised to see Zuko linger into the room. The look on his face was grim and painful.

Katara slowly arose from her chair, "What's going on?" Katara feared the worse. Perhaps someone was injured...Toph, Sokka, or even Aang.

Zuko grimaced as if in pain, "We need to talk, now." It sounded urgent.

"Of course."

He grabbed her upper arms and wrapped his strong yet gentle hands around them. His golden eyes locked onto her's. "I don't know how to say this, but I like you." Before she could take in what he was saying, he pressed his slender lips against hers.

In one moment, so many feelings she had been suppressing inside were released. Every time she thought to herself, "Zuko looks hot today." Every time she couldn't catch her breathe when he sauntered into the room. Every night when she dreamed about instead of her boyfriend. All those forbidden feelings were escaping through her mouth as she returned his kiss.

"I never thought you liked me," Katara stated. She could feel the heat rising through her cheeks. She couldn't help but smile.

Zuko flipped his coal black hair from his face, "What's not to like. Aang is one lucky boy."

Katara embraced him with such sureness as to what she was doing. She thought to herself, "That's exactly what Aang is a boy. Zuko's everything I've ever wanted. He's not a little kid either; he's a man. I can't! No, I can't hurt Aang. It would just kill him."

Katara pulled away, "This has to stay between us okay, Zuko?"

"Don't you want me?" he asked. His was a bit conflicted.

"I do, but I don't want to hurt Aang. We have to keep this a secret."

Zuko kissed her again this time a little more roughly, "Anything for you, baby."

The Next Night

Katara and Aang were outside watching the stars together. "The stars are almost as beautiful as you, Katara."

She blushed, "Thanks."

Suddenly, Zuko came bolting up to them shouting "Katara!".

"What's wrong!" she was fearful of what he needed her for.

Zuko was trying to catch his breath, "I need to talk to you noW."

He grabbed her forearm and started to pull her away. Aang piped up, "Do I come too?"

Zuko stopped only for a second, "No, I only need to talk to Katara. Thanks though."

He pulled her off behind a large boulder, so that they weren't visible to Aang. Katara wasn't sure what was happening, "What's happening? Tell me!"

Zuko placed his index finger over her mouth, "Shhh." They were still within an earshot of Aang."I just needed to be alone with you," he whispered into her ear.

Katara gave him a peck on the lips. "Isn't this dangerous with him being so close?"

"He can't see us, promise," Zuko reassured her as he kissed her cheek.

The two walked back out towards Aang with straight faces. He never suspected a thing. "Everything okay guys?"

Zuko answered, "Just perfect." He shot a sideways smirk to Katara. She acknowledged it with a wink. All unnoticed by Aang who was kissing Katara's cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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