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We had our sides of the tree, I was positive my brother... not so much. People loved me for my aura which brought them happiness, no one would pay attention to my brother which caused him to go into a state of deppression. The long days went on and I failed to realize as my brother's suffering, he stayed quiet and was getting consumed by his negative feelings.

One day he wanted to be happy like everyone else and what he did cause a lot of pain to others. He grabbed one of the apples on my side of the tree. Instead of it staying gold and pure, it turned dark. He ate it but one wasn't enough for him, he continued eating the apples from the tree. When I tried to stop him it was already to late, the damage was done. My brother who I failed to help became corrupted after eating most of the apples. He hated all the positivity, love, kindness, basically everything I live for. He then killed one innocent person and enjoyed it, soon after that we fought. His jealousy over ruled him and he turned me into stone.

I watched as many AU' s collapsed and fell to his feet, and I was trapped in a stone prison unable to do anything. It hurt to see the one who use to be my brother could not just kill but destroy AU's. It was all my fault my aura didn't make him feel happy, it made him feel forgotten.

Then I escaped from my stone prison, my brother has been determined to find me since, but instead of trapping me he wants to destroy me to get rid of all positive feelings.

Now I am always on the run so that won't happen, jumping AU to AU. My brother gained allies along the way so they can do his dirty work, but I have also gained allies of my own and we are called the Star Sanses. We are all really good friends but Nightmare and his new friends destroyed the AU where one of my friends were from, UnderSwap. Ink fixed it and restored UnderSwap, then I realized those who care about me and try to protect me only get hurt. I decided to hide from my brother on alone so no one will die protecting me.

It is harder for my brother to find me, I don't stay in the same AU very long, a week at the most. Sometimes he finds me but so do my friends who save me and we get out alive also hurt, but Ink heals us. I am still trying to get my healing ability to work, it is hard but I will get it.

Now I'm about to leave HavenTale which is a pacifist timeline but my brother will be able to find me if I stay to long. I don't know where I am going to next for sure but I thinking maybe OuterTale. I hope one day I won't have to jump AU to AU and my brother won't be the nightmare everyone fears he is, but nothing will ever go back to normal. AU's have been destroyed and innocent people have been killed because of me.

Well I must leave this AU now I have been here to long, but I do wish I could stay longer. Now time for me to go, when I looked back everyone was there saying goodbye. I smiled and waved goodbye before I left not knowing the dangers that my brother planned for me that lied ahead. Not know I would not make it to my next destination right away as planned, Nightmare had already found me in what you can call a game of hide and seek, waiting for the right moment to strike and catch me off guard. But it won't be Nightmare to show up, it will be one of his friends actually his pawns but they are blind to see it, I bet Nightmare did something to make them like that.

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