Chapter 23

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The Octagon had been activated. Firestar caught up with the other Agent Kids.

"The Octagon has been activated! We have about an hour before the termination begins! Each of you, go for one of the ships! Here, take a chip! Don't lose it!", said Firestar.

She handed each of the Agent Kids a computer chip. Then the Agent Kids flew to each of the Octagon ships. Unfortunately, Adam had to get up by foot.

Resizagirl flew to one of the ships. Each of the Octagon ships had a rack of tiny, delicate little computer chips. Resizagirl was in the ship. She saw a rack of chips. But before she could get there, someone shot a blast of light. Resizagirl looked down, it was one of the members of the Inquisition.

"Resizagirl! I am Illusion of the Inquisition! You shall not defeat us!", said the Inquisition member.

Resizagirl used her laser eyes to attack Illusion. However, she only attack an illusion. Suddenly, an army of about 50 Illusions appeared. She attack one, it vanished. She attacked another, it vanished.

"Let's see if you can find the real me!", said Illusion.

"This is no fair! I'M NOT FIRESTAR WHO CAN CREATE A FIRESTORM!!!!", yelled Resizagirl.

"MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!", laughed Illusion.

"I GOT A LITTLE TRICK UP MY SLEEVE!!! It's my own illusion!", said Resizagirl.

Resizagirl shrank to the size of an insect. She flew really fast and attacked every Illusion there was. But she still couldn't find the real one.

"MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Hello little bug!", laughed Illusion.

Suddenly, an Illusion attacked Resizagirl while she was tiny. Resizagirl attacked Illusion. Illusion fell into a wall. BANG!!! He was hurt. However, Illusion got up and created more illusions of himself.

"How can you defeat me, when you cannot see me?!", he laughed.

Resizagirl did something like this before during the Trial of Sight. However, she never faced an illusionist before. She blasted more Illusions, but she still couldn't beat him!

Suddenly, Illusion attacked Resizagirl. Resizagirl became big, making her more visible. Illusion kicked her in the face. Resizagirl fought back, but Illusion distracted her with another Illusion.

Illusion created even more Illusions.

"You will never win! Each of the Octagon ships are being guarded by an Inquisitor! YOUR PLANET WILL BURN!!!", laughed Illusion.

"SHUT UP!!!", yelled Resizagirl.
Illusion attacked Resizagirl again. There was no way of beating him. He was too powerful.

Resizagirl shot lasers from her eyes, destroying each of the Illusions until one was left. She blasted him in the chest, but he just got back up and created more Illusions.

Illusion punched Resizagirl in the face.

"MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", laughed Illusion.

"AAARRRRRRAAAGH!!!!!!!!!", screamed Resizagirl.

Illusion attacked her again. Resizagirl fell right next to the rack containing the computer chips. She knew she had to beat Illusion before she could hijack the ship.

Then she noticed something, all of the Illusions made no sound. All of the Illusions couldn't make a sound, except for the real one. So then she listened for the real Illusion to appear, for he was the only one who could make sound. She heard him moving towards her.

Resizagirl flew out of his way. Illusion turned around to see Resizagirl blast him in the back of his head.  Then Resizagirl shrank to the size of an insect.

"Where did she go?", said Illusion.

"SURPRISE!!!!", yelled Resizagirl.

She punched Illusion in the face again. Then she punched him in the back. Then in the groan.

Illusion began to lose his concentration and his illusions disappeared. He was weakened. Now Resizagirl could finish him off.

Resizagirl punched Illusion on his forehead, right where his Mindstone was. CRACK!!! His Mindstone was cracked. A bright light emitted from his cracked Mindstone.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!!!!", screamed Illusion.

"You're dead!", said Resizagirl.

Suddenly, Illusion exploded and died. She defeated an Inquisitor! Now that she defeated her foe, she plugged in her computer chip in the rack. One Octagon ship was under their control!

Agent Kids 3: The InquisitionWhere stories live. Discover now