Penny & Layton

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"Hey, dude!" Layton says, nudging me, "Let's go to dinner tonight."

"As friends or as a date?" I reply, closing my locker.

"Whichever you want," he winks, attempting to flirt.

"Layton, you know I have a boyfriend. You've been my friend for ages."

"Max sucks though, you can do better." He pauses. "I'll pick you up at 5:30. Coach canceled practice today."

"Okay, fine."

He smiles, creases forming in his tan skin as the corners of his mouth rise showing his perfectly aligned teeth, forcing me to smile too. We part ways to go to our last class of the day.

The final bell rings, music to my ears, and Layton slides down the railing.. "Still up for tonight?" he asks, tossing his muscular arm over my shoulder.

"I already agreed, didn't I?"

"You did, just wanted to make sure." Layton looks down at me, it's rare that I'm able to see his icy blue eyes; he's twice my height. "Should I call when I'm on my way, or text you?"
"Whichever you want," I reply, mocking his constant flirtatiousness.

"Penny, someone's at the door for you!" my mother shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

As I bounce down the stairs, my dark brown hair flows right above my shoulders, complimenting my lace, coral dress. She watches in awe; her chocolate eyes always make me feel at home.

"Oh my," she says to me, "You are stunning!"

"Thanks, mom," I blush. Nervously, I tug at my cream, hand-knit cardigan, pulling it over my hands, leaving only my pink painted nails peeking out.

"Where are you going, dear?"

"Just out to eat with a friend, I need to get out of the house. Everything reminds me of Max," my eyes glisten through my glasses and I'm able to hold it back. But my mom always knows when something's wrong.

"Don't cry, Penny. He never deserved you." She hugs me. "So, who're you going with?"

"Layton. As friends though, he doesn't know Max and I aren't together anymore. I don't want him to be angry with Max, you know how he gets."

"Layton has always been such a sweet kid. He seems to truly care for you. Talk to him."

"Thank you, mom. I love you."

"I love you too. Have fun."

"What are you doing out here? It's freezing!" I say looking at the bouquet of radiant, red roses in Layton's hands, as I open my front door, "You could've just waited in your car, you know?"

"That wouldn't be very chivalrous now, would it?"

"Well, neither are you," I say between giggles.

"Hey now," he replies with his unique, model-like smile on his face, "For the right girl I would be," he says, his caramel hair draping over his eyes that are locked on mine. I want to believe him.

"For you," he says, opening the car door and handing me the red roses.

"Thanks, Layton." It's hard not to smile when I'm around him.

Our date happens to be at Layton's favorite Italian restaurant, Marchisio's, what a shocker. We used to come here together all the time before Max and I dated. Marchisio's is the nicest restaurant in our town. It's impossible to go there without feeling underdressed. Each table has an off-white marble top with black and silver speckles, and a centerpiece with red roses and lit candles, all held up by dark wood. The seats are a deep red and overly cushioned; makes me wonder how many people the cushions have held captive.

"Layton, I have to talk to you about something."

"What is it, Penny?" he says, his voice hushed.

"Max and I aren't together anymore." I pause. "We haven't been for awhile."

"What did he do to you?" He says, hot water boiling in his eyes, rage brewing in his voice. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, it's not like that," I say, trying to calm him. "Things didn't work out I guess. He never treated me well and I'm just done."
"Why haven't you told me? I thought I was your best friend," he says. His words cut deep, but I know he doesn't intend for them to do so.

"Because I knew you'd be upset with him. I was avoiding conflict. I know you get angry easily."

"I'm sorry." Layton looks at me, much more calmly now, and takes my hand.

"What is there for you to be sorry for?"

"I should've tried to show you Max's true colors. He's not the best person, definitely not the best with relationships. I'm sorry you had to deal with the way he treated you, but I'm here." he says, still holding my hand.

"You're the best, Layton."

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