Did the badass change? 5

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Why did they have to come here the one and only

One Direction

Every girl was screaming I just kept walking to my next class when I got their it was hot in this class the teacher was young he looked 22 he had skinny jeans and a top he was cute

"Hi I'm Aubrey"

"Hi I'm mr.summers"

"Do I need to sit anywhere"

"Umm yes sit in the back left right their"

"Ok"I walked back their and as I got seated direction came in with 100 girls behind them Harry saw me and waved I waved back Liam walked up to me and sat beside me so did Harry Louis zayn but Niall sat away from us i was happy and sad I wanted him to leave me alone but I wanted him to beside me "class we have a new student Aubrey..."he looked at the school page I put my head in my hands"Payne this is Aubrey Payne be nice to her class"

"No one would want to be nice she the badass of the town"I smiled at that

"Now Katie be nice she'll be nice if you are"I laughed at that Liam looked at me wide eye

"Are you my sister"

"yes your-I mean our dad gave me up After you were born you never met me"

"Miss Payne is their anything you would like to tell us"i hated to be called that I stood up

"Don't fuckin call me that and it none of you Business what we were talking about ok ok"

"Yes it is how about this if you can get this problem right you can leave for the day"he showed me the problem

"7 square"he looked it over and his mouth fell

"No one could answer that that fast it took them an hour"

"Well I'll love to stay but I will be talking to Steve"

"You mean running" I turned to see Niall with a blond girl on his lap

"Yup so I might hide in your house boys if I need a hiding place"

"Why don't you go to your old club I found some of your old songs you wrote their good"

"How do you know about that place"I started to walk to him I was right beside him when that blond girl slapped me but my face didn't move she didn't hurt me but my face hurt her hand"want to try that again hun"

"Bitch I could kick your ass"

"Sure is that before or after you get laid?"

"What I don't get laid"

"Sure anyways Niall how the fuck do you know about that place"

"When you were their the first day we moved here I followed you their and when you left I walked in and saw your book and read them"I slap his ass

"All of them because their a song called they don't know about us I wrote and I don't want anyone to see that"

"Oh I read it and showed it to Paul he said we can use it"

"You can't fuckin do that"

"Yes I fuckin can I'm Niall horan"

"Ok and I'm Aubrey Payne and so what your just a little boy that got lucky anyone can do that even your little slut"

"I'm not a slut"she slapped me again then she kick me in the gut I fell and looked back up at her my eyes turned black I got up and jumped on her and punched her over and over again Niall trying to get me off of her but I punched him in the jaw the Harry but he gave up then Lou then Liam and then zayn and he got me off of her but she was pass out I stood their cleaning my hands on to my jeans I had blood on them

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