The Beginning of the End

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I never deserved this, no one did, but if it had to be anyone it would be me. And if anyone were to complain about it it would also be me. And if anyone were to make good of it, it would be Kovar, fucking Kovar. Sorry, that was rude if me I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning this'll probably be the only time something actually gets told in chronological order. Before I start though remember this, the only reason I am writing this down is to save you the reader, Kovar originally wanted to tell this story from his point of view and I feel that would have been atrocious. So I asked Kovar to allow me to pen the prologue and he did. I hope this'll be enough information for you so you can at least partially understand future events described in the rest of this book. So hear goes nothing.

Allow me to paint you a picture, lets start with the subject, me. 5' 3" I was short for my age and even shorter compared to the rest of my peers, a fact that caused me constant pain. Now though it seems like something minor, something that should have never bothered me but yet it did. I'll spare you the boring details of my childhood they have no bearing on future events I can assure you, I was a normal kid growing up, a little more intelligent than a majority of my peers but by no means a genius. My parents weren't to overbearing or to passive, they were loving though and I mean them no disrespect but they just weren't that important to me when growing up.

People always say that the teenage years are the most important years of your life, sadly in my case as much as I would like to disagree with those people I have to agree with them. The most important event of my life happened when I was 17 and I wished it had never happened to me. It was New Years Eve; I was under a peach tree just outside of the town I lived in. I spent a lot of time under that tree; it was on top of a hill that was just tall enough that you could look over the town and see the mountains beyond. New Years Eve 2012, we had survived the apocalypse, of course we had supposedly survived at least three or four others they all seemed like such jokes. Nothing had changed I still had the same worries before and after our supposed doom, I still had no idea what college I wanted to go to or where I would find the money for it. But of course like the typical High-School senior I put off deciding with my best friend, Kovar the man I admired then and would later hate and betray, my girlfriend Kiera the women who would later break my heart and leave me desolate and bitter, and of course every teenagers best friend, cheap beer. I think I had drunk two, Kiera half of one, and Kovar maybe three. It seemed like such a normal day, we were all a little sad though. We all knew there wouldn't be many days like this left eventually we would split apart and forget about each other.

Kovar sighed rattled the empty beer can and tossed it behind him, pulling another one out of the case and cracking it open. "Fuck I don't want to go back to school, it’s just so pointless. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother, but unfortunately we as a society just have to put so much emphasis on it." Kovar smirked as he looked back at me as I was staring out at the town, "You know I may be smarter than you, but you'll probably be more successful than me, no one will listen to me I'm just smart for my own damn good." Kovar laughed loudly with a hint of condensation.

"Shut up Kovar." I said taking another sip of my beer. I rattled mine to, there was a little bit left enough that it'd be a waste to toss it. "I don't want to hear anything about school or the future right now. I just want to sit down enjoy this moment and not have to worry, I've had enough to worry about. You Kovar, your father will pay for everything, you can go anywhere you want and not have to worry despite the fact you have crap ass grades, almost perfect on the SAT my ass."

Kovar nearly choked on his beer as he started laughing right in the middle of a large gulp. "Oi Vey Ekon chill out, my life isn't all you crack it up to be either. Do you know how hard it is to get into a college with grades like mine, it doesn't matter how high I scored on the SAT or ACT colleges want to see dedicated students and that's what grades show. I may be a genius, but no college is going to want me if I'll only get bad grades and ruin there "flawless" records, and no ones going to want to hire someone who got bad grades in college no matter how smart they are. No ones going to want me, I'm going to be like this peach tree we're sitting under, lonely and misplaced, but beautiful all the same. To bad we're the only three people who enjoy it." Kovar grimaced as he finished his thought and sighed a little. He slowly put his beer down and said, "Wow, I should probably stop this is getting out of hand."

"Thank God." I could hear Kiera mutter as she took a sip of her beer, "Do you two always have to argue" She said a little louder not really directed at either of us.

I smirked as I wrapped my arms around her and said, "I'm sorry if its bothering you, I'm just a little on edge. Merrit still hasn't entered my grades in for photo so I don't know where that grade stands right now."

Kovar shook his head; he was obviously thinking something but held his tongue. Even in all his infinite glory could stop Kiera when she got on a rampage. He took a deep breath in as he was about to say something but slowly breathed out showing a slight discomfort. He was definitely holding something back.

Now it was my turn to sigh and be depressed, I looked back out over the town. Was this really going to be the highlight of my break, drinking cheap beer and arguing with Kovar, hanging with Kiera and not even getting lucky. Fuck that’s a depressing thought...

And then it happened.

It hit Kiera first, she dropped her half drunk beer. She was shaking her eyes wide; she looked like she had stared death right in the face. "Kiera are you ok." I asked nudging her a bit on the shoulder. She grabbed my hand and opened her mouth as if she were about to say something, but only barfed and fell unconscious.

 I looked to Kovar and said, "Kovar I think we need to get Kiera to a hospital."

I hadn't noticed that Kovar had also dropped his beer, he had the same look Keira did. He slowly moved his head to look at me and said, "Umm Ekon I can't feel anything."

Then there was a blinding light, and it was coming from Kovar, and, and he was floating in the air. I could barely look at him. The light slowly started to turn a deep yellow, it wasn't as bright but there was something about it that, hurt I guess would be the best way to describe it. It gave off a pressure that seemed to push me down into the ground. What was this, what was this power and why did Kovar get it.

And then it hit me, it hit me like a freight train to the head. It was on the tip of my tongue. I knew what was going on, I knew everything, it all made sense. But then in the next moment I fell unconscious. My last though that lonely, misplace, beautiful peach tree.

That was the day everything changed.

That was the day we became gods.

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